A tall guy with curly brown hair, a headband and way to tight jeans stood behind me. He looked extreamly handsome.

There I stood with yesterdays makeup, sex-hair, a dress and puke all over me.

He handed me his bottle of water and I drank it while I stared at him. I had no idea what to say, I was so embarresed.

"Hangover" he asked and smiled.

"No pregnant"

His face changed dramatically.

"I'm joking" I said after a while and handed him an empty bottle of water.

"Thank God" he said and opened the bottle to drink but realized fast it was empty.


"Why is that" I crossed my arms.

"Uhm..cause that will asume that you have a boyfriend"

More awkward.

"Oh..Well I do, or well I think I do" I said and uncrossed my arms.

"I'm Harry Styles by the way. And you btw look like you need something to eat" he suggested and stared at me.

How awkward is this guy?

"Uhm..I was running after my boyfriend and just had to take a pause and yeah you know so I think I will keep running after him, but thanks Harry" I said and nodded my head before I sarted running.

"You can at least tell me your name" Harry yelled after me.

I turned my body around and yelled "Caroline" before I ran further.

I ran over to Nialls apartment and thank God he was there. I opened the door, ready to explain everything.

"Niall" I said and had to struggle so I didn't puke the water the guy gave me all over his floor.

"I have nothing more to say to you Caroline" it looked like he was about to cry.

"Love the way you lie" I said.

"haha fuck no" Niall laughed. "My bestfriend? My Goddamned bestfriend? Off all the people around here you had to take him. You know I hate giving Zayn a black eye" he stared out the window.

"Can you fucking stop staring out the window all the fucking time Niall? I'm sorry I mean it. I don't remember a fucking shit from last night. For everything I know we didn't do it" Terrible exuse.

"Oh well then it's okay" he rolled his eyes. "I'm so fucking tired of you Caroline".

"I fucked up" I walked over to him and tried staring in his eyes.

"Can't fucking wait to  leave" Niall said quiet.

"Are you gonna leave me now" He had all the right to do it.

"I should have done it months ago" Niall said.

"Oh don't you fucking dare say that 'cause you know it's not true" my temper was bigger than I had expected.

"Not again" Niall rolled his eyes again.

Niall POV;

On the first page everything seemed so fucking bright. Then things turned out so evil, why am I even shocked? But she'll always be my angel. Always. And I fucking hate that. This tug of wars she always wins, even if I'm right. I try to run but I don't wanna leave not until our walls are burning, and all our memories turns into smoke, but at a time like this, there's no fucking walls. 

"Get the fuck out" I yelled at her and stood up, pointing at the door.

She took her arms up and pushed me over the table. A glass fell on the floor and broke. She was crying.

Love the way you lieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora