chapter 4

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(I have vacation now BITCHES IM BACK! haha)

So after the voice-mail from Niall I ran over to his place and I even need to tell you what we did?

It's a few days ago now. It's friday today which, of course means partyday. I really feel the need to tell you that I've been at school every Goddamn day this week. Liam baked me a fucking cake.

"Will you may join me out" I asked Liam, trying to sound british, which I failed.

He laughed. "Sure" he said and looked over at Kali. She stared at him for a while before she nodded her head.

"Okay Good. I'm poor as fuck atm, but I'm sure Niall have some vodca we can steal". I really need to get a job soon.

"Oh no Carro you don't need to ask him. I have money I can buy some" he said and stood up the bed.

I hugged him, awkwardly, but I had to. "Thank you Liam" I said.

"No problem. Kali you want some" he stared down at her.

"No. I don't drink" she rolled her eyes.

Liam kissed Kali fast on her lips before he dissapeard out the door.

"Well time to get ready" I opened my closeth.

"I don't own a dress" Kali said.

I turned around and stared at her with my mouth open.

"You don't have a dress? What kind of girl are you?" I laughed.

"Tomorrow we'll go shopping. You can borrow one from me today".

I threw one at her, and after an hour when Liam came back from the store we were ready.

The campus was full of people whit dresses and vodca bottles on their way to some party. Some of them too drunk to walk already.

"Where are we going tonight" Liam asked.

"Niall texted me the adresse. It's outside campus".

We walked for about 15 minutes before we saw the house. It was already full of people. I actually thought we would arrive first.

"So let's see what tonight will bring. Be ready" I said and walked up the stairs to the front door.

Every Friday something new happens. Always. Most of the time bad things. Tonight I had the feeling that something great would happend, since I've had a really good week, or me and Niall had a really good week. The thought dissapeard fast when I saw Louis standing infront of me.

"Caroline is that you" he said and opened his eyes to take a better look.

"Uhm..Hi" I looked down at the floor. Louis was the last person I wanted to see. Not because he had done something wrong, actually it was me who were the bad person here, but anyways. Meeting your ex at a party is never a good thing.

His arms was around me.

"How is it going" he asked. His british accent overloaded the music.

"What are you doing here Louis" you could hear the dissapointment in my voice. I can admit he looked extremely good.

"Partying, drinking" he said and took a sip from his cup.

Niall showed up behind me. "Hey babe" he said. I could smell his vodca and smoke breath.

"Hey Niall" I didn't do anything. I just stared at Louis.

"Who's this" Niall laid his hands on my shoulder.

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