chapter eleven

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Kenma walked a few steps briskly out of his dorm before closing the door, then sprinted towards the infirmary. He was lost in his thoughts and bumped into Yaku, who was walking down the corridor.

"Sorry Yaku-san!"

Yaku looked annoyed for a moment, but quickly cooled down.

"Be careful, alright?"

Kenma quickly hummed a reply and continued to dash through the corridor.

'For once, Reiko, I appreciate what you did for me, even if you didn't intend to. All the questions I have are answered, but more are popping up...why, Kuroo..? I have never thought of you as more than a friend, and you know that. But if only I like him as a friend, then why am is my heart thumping so loudly right now?'

Kenma had conflicted feelings about the situation. It was like his heart and mind were arguing, "Do I like Kuroo Tetsurou?"

Kenma didn't identify as gay, or even bisexual. But why is he getting so flustered over a simple confession? He had never been this confused over his sexuality before.

He slowed his sprint to a brisk stroll as he hopped down the stairs. Kenma could already picture Kuroo's reaction. Kuroo would have slid down the handrail, while walking down really quick while singing, "Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces past and I'm homebound~"

Kenma absent-mindedly hummed the tune of "A Thousand Miles' as his foot landed on the last step which wasn't there.

He tumbled down and landed on his right elbow. He rubbed the sore area and winced.

'I need to stop thinking about him.'

Kuroo buried his face in his pillow.
Whenever someone knocked, he didn't bother replying. He didn't have the energy to pick up Bokuto's calls.

He had never felt so empty in his life. His heart was palpitating wildly, his brain replaying the scene over and over again like a broken recorder. "You had one chance, Tetsurou, and you screwed it up." Kuroo muttered out loud to no one in particular.

The logical part of him slapped him and told him that it was quite obvious Kenma wouldn't reciprocate his feelings. 'He obviously has never seen you that way! You need to wake up from your deluded fantasy, don't ruin your 10-year friendship.'

However, a small, idealistic part of him comforted him, putting all his fears and wildest imaginations to ease.

'It's ok, Tetsurou. He just needs time to think about your current relationship with him, that's all. Maybe he will reciprocate your feelings in the end.'

A nagging feeling at the back of his mind told Kuroo that the logical half was right.
"Kenmaaa why did you take so long?! I need you by my side if I want to recover! I need you by me 24/7!! Even if you need to sleep, you'll sleep in my bed with me!! Even if you want to eat, you have to share a plate with me!!"

Reiko was extremely talkative for someone with a twisted ankle. Kenma just wanted her to shut up so he could think whether he liked Kuroo or not. Her screechy voice was grating on his nerves.

'I'm going to lose my sanity if I have to continue spending time with her. I'm definitely going to break up with her by the weekend, latest.' Kenma thought with a dark expression on his grimacing face.

Then something hit him.

After a volleyball match, they would go and shower in the open showers. Kuroo used to like it but eventually decided to use the closed showers after a while.

Kenma remembered being confused, but he assumed Kuroo was as modest as him. At least now he knew the real reason.

Kenma breathed a sigh of relief. He definitely hadn't been the first guy checking Kuroo out. Which meant that he wasn't gay, it was just that Kuroo was really nice to stare at, as amusing as that sounded. That was the pitiful excuse Kenma used to glide over what happened that time, in the dorm room.
'Thump thump thump,' Heavy footsteps thudded behind him.

Kenma cursed under his breath.
'I knew I shouldn't have taken the shortcut with the dimly-lit path.' Kenma turned around, but he turned too late.

Before he knew it, he was being pinned against a locker in a dark, cliché corner.
Here it is!!! The next chapters you can choose whether you want the happy or neutral ending ^-^
Comment which one you want me to post first!
#HappyEnd or #NeutralEnd
(If no one comments T^T, then I'll post the happy end first)

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