chapter ten

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The silence was overbearing. It clouded the room and choked Kuroo. It choked the both of them.

The raven hesitantly opened his mouth to speak. "I-

"I'm sorry for-"

He took a deep breath and tried to level his quivering voice. "I'm sorry for.. ignoring you, and following you on your date in Disneyland"

Kenma was confused. Why did Kuroo want to follow them? And why has Kuroo been acting so wierdly these few months?

It was as if Kuroo could read his mind. "I wanted to watch over you. Your date. Kind of like a guardian ya' know? Watch over your relationship or something."

He continued, "But then- then i saw you two kiss. I- I didn't know anymore- I just felt confused. So confused. But I didn't know why. All these feelings in my chest. They just- They just exploded. So I ran. I just kept running away because I didn't know how to face you."

Kuroo sighed, fustration evident in his voice. He put his head in his hands.

"I didn't want to show you these ugly feelings of mine. I couldn't face you. Not after I ran away. Everytime I saw your face I remember. The feelings take over and my words get stuck in my throat. I just- I just love you so much."

Everything went still.

Kuroo froze in place.

He slowly raised his face to meet Kenma's eyes.

Eyes widened, lips slightly parted. Kenma was utterly, absolutely shocked.

'Oh fuck my life.'

"I- I didn't mean that. It's a... a misunderstanding! I meant I loved you as a.. friend! Not romantically, duh!"

Kuroo stuttered and stumbled over his words, spewing out a lousy excuse. 'I'm so screwed. Kenma totally knows now. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. FUCK MY LIFEEEEE'

Kenma seemed doubtful, but nodded his head silently, unsure of what to say. He didnt believe Kuroo's half-hearted lies, but when he saw Kuroo's striken and panicked face, he couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy.

The momentary silence was interuppted by sound of Kenma's ringtone. He threw Kuroo an apologetic look and mouthed, 'it's Reiko'. He picked up the phone, turning away from Kuroo.

Kuroo felt annoyance prick his mind. 'Leave it to that bitch to interupt us' He thought sourly. When Kenma finally hung up, he said the worst possible thing at that moment.

"I have to leave. Reiko hurt her leg in tennis club."

Perhaps it was just an excuse to leave the awkward situation, but Kenma hastily fled the room, leaving Kuroo sitting there with a dark expression on his face.
Kuroo and Bokuto sat face-to-face to eachother on the latter's bed.

Akaashi was out today. Tutoring a group of freshmen classic literature. "So bro, what's up?" Bokuto asked nochanantly. Leaning back on his arms.

"I- I confessed to Kenma" Kuroo admitted, looking a little downcast. He knew Bokuto wasn't the ideal person to go to for advice, but he really needed someone there for him right now. A friend.

Bokuto, on the other hand, looked absolutely elated. "Congrats man! What did he say?" He seemed oblivious to the sad undertone in Kuroo's words.

"That's the thing, he didn't say anything! In fact, his girlfriend got injured and he had to go"

"Woah man, that's rough.. Wanna talk about it? Or do you wanna go for a practise match to clear your head. No ones using the court today so we can play all we want"

"Thanks bro, I don't feel like talking about it." Kuroo wiped off any trace of his previous emotions and put on a smirk.

"Let's go hit some balls"
Aww :/

《Never Gonna Give You Up》×Kuroken×Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin