Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pulled me backwards, to the end of the group. I looked at my side to see Levi with his famous poker face. I raised an eyebrow at him making an expression that said 'Is there something wrong?'. He looked at me after checking that no one was looking our way and released my arm instead putting it on my shoulder and put his lips close to my ear.

"Do you think we can trust this Erwin guy?" He whispered in my ear, voice much lower than it always was. It sent shivers down my spine as his breath touched my ear and my cheeks turned a light but still somehow dark shade of pink. I recollected my thoughts and position and I also looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping our conversation.

"Levi, you never trust anyone. We should at least give it chance and invite them. Plus, Erwin is a nice guy. I don't think someone like him would want to do something bad to us." I whispered back, but not in his ear as he did to me. He looked Erwin's way and didn't say anything back to me. I presumed that he was thinking about it and didn't say anything as well, giving him time to think. Though his thinking may last for days, maybe weeks, giving how it's incredibly hard to gain his trust.

Levi's arm left my shoulder and instead it grabbed my right hand. I looked at him, again, surprised by his action. He didn't look in my eyes and just continued to look Erwin's way. I smiled and didn't take my arm back.

For the rest of the walk we were calmly walking at the back of the group holding each other's hands.

---------------------- (Timeskip! Brought to you by Levi and Reader-chan holding hands!)----------------------

We eventually found a place to stay at; a medium size house that perfectly fit the ten of us. We explained our plan to the newcomers and they understood and liked our plan. Though Levi was not happy with the new people; nothing new.

We decided not to train today, since the house we've found doesn't have good enough soundproof walls. So we all decided to go to sleep and get enough energy for tomorrow. Hanji, having more energy than all of us together, volunteered to guard all of us for the day. We would usually have someone to guard for half of the night and then pick someone else to guard the rest while the first person would go to sleep but Hanji insisted to guard the whole night. We did have an argument about this but all of us lost to Hanji so she got what she wanted.

Now, I was on the floor in the room with destroyed furniture so I could only guess that this was the living room by the size of it. I couldn't fall asleep for the reasons I didn't know. I quietly sat up and looked around. Hanji was near the door and it was quite far away so I shouldn't worry about her. Everyone else was soundlessly esleep.

I made up my mind and stood up from my position on the floor. I decided that I would take a walk to the place Levi had showed me. After all, I should be alright, since there are less Titans at night than there is at noon. Also now that we're in this area we're much closer to that place than we were before so it should be fine. All I need to do is to make sure to get a weapon and not to fall asleep near the tree.

I walked to the window, making no sound as I opened it, and quietly jumped out closing the window before walking off.

---------------------- (Timeskip! Brought to you by Reader-chan's dumb decision to take a walk!)----------------------

It's been somewhere around 5 minutes since I've left the house. I was getting close to the place Levi had showed me before. It was rather quiet around and I got a feeling again. Right after I got my feeling I looked around me, searching for something that might harm me. It was too quiet for a time when Titans are around, if they are around than I would hear rustling and other sounds of movement around but there was none. I just shrugged the feeling off, thinking that it was probably something good.

(Levi x Reader) Stay close, alright? _Zombie Apocalypse AU_Where stories live. Discover now