Chapter 16-The Beach

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     "(Y/N)-chan~" Izaya said playfully.

"Huh?" I turned my head around to meet a pair of lips kissing my lips.

I instantly blush and push him away shyly. Instead of looking at Izaya, I looked outside the airplane window seeing the beautiful clouds. I mean like, Izaya was beautiful too, in a way, but I prefer looking at the clouds at this moment instead of him due to our current situation.

He then wrapped his warm arms around my waist and attacked my neck with teasing kisses. He kissed from the top to the bottom of my neck to my shoulder.

"Ah-Izaya, stop! We-We're in public!"

"Does it look like I care?" Izaya said.

I pushed him away and focused on my technology, but I just couldn't bring myself to fully concentrate on the technology in front of me. Izaya was bothering me and distracting me.

"Why are you ignoring me (Y/N)-chan?"

Then he tickled by the side of my waist. I held my laughter in, but in not too long, I let out a loud laugh, turning side from side.

When I wasn't looking or paying attention, he gave me a peck on my lips, making butterflies flutter in my stomach.

After a while, I gradually felt more and more drowsy, and I eventually slept.

"(Y/N)-chan, time to wake up."

     "(Y/N)-chan, wake up."

     I heard Izaya called me, but all I could see was darkness. I felt my body shaking back and forth. I opened my eyes to see my head leaning against Izaya's shoulders and his arms wrapped around my waist.

We got off, got our bags, drove a taxi, and finally arrived to our room in a hotel. The room was huge and spacious. This was the biggest hotel room I've ever seen! I'm not actually surprised though since Izaya is rich. Izaya chuckled at my reaction.

I put my stuff away and changed in the bathroom since we're going to swim on the beach.

I was left in my matching bra and underwear. The door opened a crack and it was Izaya of course. I swiftly slammed the door in his face. All he did was laugh. That perv.

I wore a blue bikini and put a large t-shirt over it. We were ready to leave.


"Ah, the beach feels so nice." I said walking on the warm sand of the beach.

"Yes, it is nice. How about you take off your t-shirt to show your full bikini?" Izaya said seductively.

"Stop it!"

I took my t-shirt off anyways, so did Izaya. Dang! He had those nice looking abs, but it's not worth my time to look at them. . .at least not yet. . .

"Want me to put some sun block on your body?" Izaya said.

"No, it's fine, I'll do it myself." I said.


But he still did it. He sent shivers up and down my back as he made his way through my body with his touch of his fingers. I sighed and gave up. I let him do it. It actually felt nice though, like a massage.

     "Alright! Let's get going shall we?" Izaya said as he picked me up in his arms.

     "Let go! Let me go Izaya!"

     He picked me up in bridal style and he was running around the beach like crazy with me in his arms just to annoy me which is really working. He knows how to annoy people.

Izaya X Reader(You've Already Fallen)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin