15. Highlights of 2016

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This is kind of like a time-capsule, so I can look back on the highlights of 2016. Highlights don't always mean the best things, just the most important things. It's kind of late for it, but now's better than never! Some stuff might not make sense to you, but it's just little notes, so that I can remember gongs when I'm older. Enjoy! (Or just ignore this, whichever you prefer).



-Seeing first show on Broadway
-Seeing, 'Aladdin' on Broadway
-Seeing, 'Sabrina Carpenter' live, in concert
-Sabrina Carpenter walking past my table and smiling at me
-Having an exchange student from Spain named, Berta
-Awesome Friends on Wattpad
-Seeing, 'Something Rotten' in Proctors (if I spelt that right, and it could've happened this year, I can fully remember.)
-Finding Dory (movie)
-Doctor Strange (movie)
-Moana (movie)
-Rouge One (movie)
-Sing (movie)
-Zootopia (movie)
-The Jungle Book (movie)
-Captain America: Civil War (movie)
-Going to Boston with Girl-scout troop
-Ear surgery (some may not consider this a highlight, but I do.)
-Camp Fowler Friends (Scarlett and Abby)
-Gravity Falls ended (Feb. 15th, 2016 😭)


And that's all I can think of... Yes, it's out of order, but oh well. I hope you guys enjoyed reading through my highlights of 2016.


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