Chapter Two

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     The turbulence is what woke me up. It was dark inside of the plane and everyone seemed to be sleeping. I had the urge to use the restroom, so I unbuckled my belt and quietly scooted out into the isle. It smelt as if death itself had walked all over this plane.
     My eyes were still tired, which made my eyelids droopy. I didn't notice that it was too silent until I reached for the bathroom door handle. It was freezing, the whole plane was freezing. Where were the flight attendant's? What is going on?

     "Xanera." It came from behind me, the voice was barely a whisper, but it still seemed to haunt my soul. My body froze, "No," I quietly whispered as my eyes started to water. I shut them as tight as I could, "no, you're not real!" I screamed out with all of the anger that was built up inside of me. All of the grief and all of the heart ache that has engraved itself into my mind I yelled at the top of my lungs, "Leave me alone!"

     I woke up and my eyes shot open. My fingers were dug deep into my seats arm chairs and I could feel myself breathing heavily. I tried to calm myself down. Closing my eyes, I took five deep breaths before opening them again.

    A pounding headache struck me as I looked around. It was still dark but they're were people around with they're lights on while they read they're books. The old couple next to me was sleeping peacefully. The intercom came on saying we were going to land in about fifteen minutes.

     I tried to distract my exhausted mind and watched the clouds slowly roam around our plane. Clouds were one of my favorite things to see when I flew. They always looked like puffy marshmallows to me, which I absolutely loved. And regardless of the fact that she was gone, her beautiful voice sung through my head about the different types of  clouds. My mother was a meteorologist, so Everytime we stepped outside she would lecture me about facts on weather.
     I tried ignoring the pounding in my head by putting positive things into my mind, but it wouldn't stop. I hadn't
remembered to bring medicine with me, so I was stuck with it.
     The plain started to descend, and I tightened my seat belt. The first time I had flew in an airplane my seat belt had not been tight enough. I had hit my head so hard on the window because of turbulence that I thought I gained a concussion. Luckily it was only a goose egg and it healed within the day.
      Once the plane landed



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