Leonard - Ethereal

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Leonard sighed as Mick pulled a couple of women into the car with him, absolutely loving the attention, and climbed onto the motorbike, offering (Name) a hand onto the seat behind him, who wrapped her arms around his jacket clad torso, snuggling into his neck.

(Name) herself was wearing a simple red dress and long black boots with one of Leonard's old leather jackets on and Leonard thought she looked absolutely stunning. He'd never actually say anything, but he thought her beauty was ethereal.

They reached the bar, and (Name) clung to him for dear life. Social situations like this really made her anxious so she wanted Leonard to stay in her sights, she was still paranoid about being in a crowd after what happened to the wife of her best friend and the boy she used to babysit; barely coming out alive herself.

"Don't worry Darlin', I'm gonna keep you safe." He told her, ordering them drinks.

She was fine for most of the night, and even dragged Leonard up for one dance to a song she liked. Leonard smiled as she twirled and laughed and as she got flustered when he dipped her to the beat of the music. She only came down from the high when a drunken man snatched her away from Leonard and made her hips sway to the beat by clamping his hands down on her butt.

"We're gonna have some fun tonight..." He whispered in her ear and she freaked out, pulling the knife from her boot and slashing at the man.

"Leave me alone!" She exclaimed, searching for either Leonard or Mick in the crowd but neither one was in sight. "I'm friends with your boss!"

He swore at the cut on his cheek, and raised a hand to slap her when a fist collided with his face. There stood an angry Leonard, who stepped in front of the frightened woman.

"Listen, that's my girl." Leonard said to the man.

"The bitch cut me!" He gasped and Leonard rolled his eyes.

"Boo hoo, you lay a hand on her again and I'll rip your throat out." He hissed, pulling his cold gun out if the event rose that he needed it.

The man shoved (Name) backwards who stumbled slightly before knocking into Leonard who caught her as he was getting ready to fire.

"This is what you get for touchin' my woman!" Snart growled, a snarl almost escaping his mouth.

"Your woman? Look man, she was standing there alone and I wanted to keep her company!" The man yelled back.

"Alone? She was dancing with me!" Leonard replied.

They stared each other down, and eventually the man left muttering about "not wanting to sleep with a bitch anyway".

(Name) had been standing there a tad bit awkwardly but felt a surge of confidence (read recklessness) and kissed Leonard full on the lips who responded back, almost hungrily, picking up the woman and sitting her on a nearby bar stool, not breaking the kiss. When they parted, she was blushing and out of breath.

"How's that for our first kiss?" She asked the man who grinned.

"Couldn't have gone better Darlin', in fact I might just have to kiss you again to remember how good it felt." Leonard teased, placing his hands either side of her on the bar.

"I've only read about first kisses like that in books..." (Name) muttered, legs swinging.

"You've never kissed anyone else?" Snart asked, hopping up next to her on the seat.

"No, Rip's pretty overprotective of me since he lost Miranda and Jonas. I wouldn't tell him if I were you." (Name) told Leonard. "He found me about to be publicly executed by beheading as an example to the people loyal to Rip, I had to watch him kill them and it was going to be me but Rip got there in time to stop him."

"Well, I'm sorry to say you're not my first, but I'm certainly not going to let anyone else do this to me." Leonard said.

"Do what?" (Name) asked.

"Make me fall in love with you." He told her, pressing her lips to his more softly this time.

"I've been in love with you since the 22nd century..." (Name) confessed. "When Rip first told me about you I was intrigued and now you're here and this is real and I can't think of another way I'd rather spend time with you."

"I do..." The man stood up and lifted (Name) off the stool. "How about I talk some sense into Mick and we can make our way back to your room?"

"Rip's room is right next door, and the walls aren't that thick." (Name) tried to protest.

"Good, because I want him to know you're not as fragile as he thinks you are." He said.

"Isn't this rather quick?" (Name) felt shy again until cold hands cupped her face, and icy lips captured her own in a kiss.

"God knows where we'll end up next, I want to do this in case something happens." Leonard said and (Name) nodded.

"I'm ready, I just wanted to make sure there's a reason..." She muttered.

"I'm never gonna hurt you Princess, you'll be fine." Leonard assured her, with a grin. "Now let's go get Mick."

Clothes littered the floor, and the pair were tangled together in (Name)'s satin bedsheets. (Name) had her head on Leonard's chest, and smiled up at him.

"I love you." She grinned and pressed her lips against his.

He pulled her onto him so she was sat on his lap and deepened the kiss.

"You're so beautiful." He muttered in her ear and she blushed.

"Len!" She giggled as he smirked.

"I'm not lying..." He told her.

"I should hope not, and for God's sake, put some clothes on!" Came Rip's angry voice from the doorway.

"I'm sorry..." (Name) mumbled.

"She shouldn't have to apologise." Leonard looked angry now.

"Why don't you then, since you like making noise?" Rip glared at Leonard.

"I'm not apologising because we did nothing wrong." Snart growled.

"When I asked where my best friend, practically my sister, is and Gideon told me 'she was in her room with Mr Snart' I panicked because I didn't want her getting hurt." Rip said.

"Look, Captain. I wouldn't dream of hurting her, I love her." Leonard confessed.

"Fine. But if I get even a hint..." He sighed and left.

"Round Two?" (Name) asked.

"Baby, you just read my mind."

DC LEGENDS IMAGINES ( Formerly Leonard Snart, Mick Rory and Rip Hunter Imagines)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum