Chapter Eight

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Harry POV

Lux kept whispering about something in my ear, one thing catching my attention, "Do you love Mr. Louis, Hally?" I stopped, bounced her gently on knee, and thought.

"I do," I put a finger over my mouth, "but it's a secret."

"Why?" Lux asked, after her potty question. I asked her mum- who sat next to her- if I could take her, she just shrugged. I nodded and let the auditorm to the bathroom.

"His daddy doesn't like me," I answered, she gasped asking 'why' silently, "because in the bible it says that two boys can't love each other."

She was confused, "But Hally, if you love Mr. Louis. You have to tell him!" Lux bounced, as we walked into the stall.

"I tried, but now Louis doesn't even know me, Luxxy." I kissed her forehead before helping her up on the loo.

She just stared at me, tilting her head to the side, "Well why don't you invite him to the Lego movie. It's a good movie!" I stared at her, for a little girl she has a lot of good advice. I nodded, promising I would after church and she clapped loudly.


I walked up to Louis after church, asking for a moment and he obliged, with confusion every where on his face, "Would you like to just see ..." I started, but his father walked up him and dragged him away from me. I sighed, Lux running up to him.

"Mr. Preacher! Hally was trying to ask Mr. Louis something! Your mean!" Lux stepped on his foot, and ran back up to me. I picked her up, trying to keep a straight face. Louis gave me a face of sympathy before turning back to Liam, Niall, and his brother all talking. I sighed and walked to my parents, feeling a few tears fall.

Lux and her parents left a few minutes before us, I kept stealing glaces at Louis, but he didn't notice. I sat in the car, rolling up my left sleeve, running my fingers over the tiny 'L' letting those evil clear-salty tears fall off my cheeks. Mum noticed me crying, but luckily didn't see the cuts on my wrists. I hugged my chest, with both arms, crying loudly, I didn't care at this point. I didn't care if we all just into a car accident and died right now. I didn't care what happened to me. I just wanted to die if I couldn't have Louis.

I ran inside, and laid on the bathroom floor- I should just be calling this 'My New Room', I've been here enough- and just cried. I locked the door, making sure no one couldn't get in, and sat in a clear bath, holding the uncleaned razor from this morning. I looked at the clear bath water, watching it slowly turn a bright crimsom. I hugged my legs in the bath, sobbing in my lap. "Louis," I mumbled, kissing my L and T on my wrist.

I guess you really don't understand how much you really need someone until they are gone from your life. I need Louis, and when I had him, was to stupid to realize that I needed him. I need his lips, I need his kiss, I need him just to cuddle me. "Harry, you okay?" Mum asked, making me jump in the crimson water.

"Uh, y-yeah." I mumbled, quickly washing the blood and water down the drain, cleaning the mess I made and walked out with a towel around my waist. I walked swiftly into my room, and dressed in a pair of boxers and logged onto my computer. I need a new place, a place to call my own.


It was two in the morning, and I contiued to search for my new place. I went through about a thousand, I would say, but everything was either too expensive or too big for me. I didn't need anything to big. I yawned loudly, but ignoring my tirediness, knowing that I should be in bed, but I continued to look.

Finally finding the perfect flat, not too big but not too small, not too expensive, just right.

Louis POV

Eleanor's head rested on my chest, I started playing with her hair, when an image popped in my head. I don't know who- the face was blurred- but I could hear is voice was deeper than most, and his curly hair was unruly. I saw his smile was mile long on his blurred face, I tried to match him up with names I already knew.

After a few minutes of being lost in trying to figure out who the myserty person is, Eleanor continued to call me, annoyingly, laying her chin on my chest. "Lou, baby. Are you okay?" She looked worried, I don't know what it is, but I don't feel right with Eleanor here. I don't know if it was how I felt before the accident to, but I just don't like her. I nodded, staying quiet, faking yawning hoping she would get up, "Baby, you tired." She traced the almost-invisible abs on my stomach. I nodded, trying to suck in my stomach. She pecked my lips, awkwardly, for me and left the room.

Zayn chuckled in his bed, "Lou, your such a bad lair." I shrugged, moving to his bed, sitting on the foot of his bed.

"Zayn, can I ask you something?" I nervously asked, he sat up, nodding. "Well, I don't feel right about Eleanor. Before the accident, how I did I feel about her?"

He chuckled again, sitting in a criss-crossed position in front of me, "you weren't too thrilled about her, when Harry started coming around." There's that Harry charater again, I knew I met him at church, once, but did I have strong feelings for him.

"Zayn, why do you keep bringing him up? I don't even remember him." I shooked, playing with the blanket on the foot of his bed.

"Because I know, deep down, you still love Harry. All I have to do is get you alone with him and I know all the memories will flow back to mind. I saw how you and Harry looked at each other, when dad was or wasn't looking, I know you love Harry and I know Harry loves you right now." Zayn sighed, leaning back on his elbow.

"But," I started trying to find words to say, "The bible..." I started, but he shortly interrupted me.

"When you met Harry, you became a completely different person. Someone that loved him for him, not listening to dad's views on how the bible says it's wrong. You told him, no matter what he does, he won't be able to take him away from you. I can't believe he told Harry to walk away when you were still sleeping." Zayn bit his lip, I stared at him. My wedding was in three days, I can't be 'in love' with Harry. Can I? No I have to love Eleanor, that was dad's orders. I have to follow his right?

I excused myself to the bathroom and began to think, pacing back and forth in the tiny square room that held many tools for different things. I held onto both sides of the sink, looking down at the sink and back up again, seeing a few tiny scars on my wrist. I picked up my left wrist. I ran my opposite fingertips under it, wincing a bit at the little bits of pain in the more visible scars. How did those get there?

I opened one drawer, seeing only toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc. I opened another seeing only two things holding it, a picture and a small razor. I removed the razor and laid it on the counter and picked up the picture. "Me and Harry," I smiled, looking down at the bloodstained drawer. I gulped, staring down at the picture and back at the jiggling door knob. "Someone's in here," I called, sitting on the ground the picture in hand and the razor in the other. I laid the picture in my lap, and moved the razor closer to the opposite wrist, feeling a burning senstation of pain afterward. Watching a few blood droplets fell on the picture around Mine and Harry's faces. I quickly stood up, putting the picture back in the drawer and started cleaning the wounded blood.

I don't know why I did it, I just felt that I should. Something in the back of my mind was telling me that my life was horrible, nothing was working out and I need more relief. I cleaned the razor and shut the drawer and walked in my bedroom again, and fell asleep.

I do apologize again for such a short chapter... But I will make it up to you, I pinky swear...

So please please please vote for me.... and comment to tell me if you like my fanfic or not.. -Rachel Styles<3

Larry. | CompletedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon