Chapter One:

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Hey guys. I wanted to write you another chapter in case I had school tomorrow, I don't know if I will or not, but if I do you guys won't have another chapter until Saturday.

Anyway I dedicate this chapter to another inspiration and favorite writer: larryokay

Her fanfics are amazing <3

-Rachel Styles <3

Mum woke me up for church this Sunday, getting me up extra early so we don't miss anything that happens. I put on my best clothes in my closet, a white polo, blazer, and some khakis. I laced up my converse and skipped down the stairs, lightly. "Harry, eat up. You breakfast is on the table." My father informed me. Mum was probably getting ready in her bedroom. She always looked beautiful- no that's not weird that a son calls his mother beautiful.

After everyone was ready and full, we all climbed in the car, me personally plugging in my earbuds to my music and started playing my shuffled playlist. I watched as my parents conversed about an unknown topic, laughing every few minutes because of something they said. I smiled, I was glad mum found someone she was happy with, because believe me, my first father wasn't someone anyone should be with.

I looked out my window, letting the lyrics soak in my head, and before I knew it we were parked at the church. I took out my earbuds and put my phone in my blazers pocket and walked in with my parents. We were greeted by, "Pastor Tomlinson," at the door. He showed me to the teen class, where I saw Louis, Liam and Niall all conversing on something. "Oh, Harry. Nice to see you showed up," Louis smiled, hugging me warmly following the other two boys.

"It's to be here," I smiled, sticking my hands in my pockets, biting my lip nervously. This church was small, only four teens, not counting myself. I shuffled in the pew with the other four teens. Louis sitting next to me, then Liam, Niall, and the one that sat there quiet. The teen class went by fast, with a few laughs and Louis stating that he was the pastor's son, surprised me. He didn't seem like one that would be, not saying he was bad by any means, but I didn't see him as being the pastor's son.


After church was over, I exchanged numbers with the three boys and walked to my parents talking to a few other grown ups dressed up. They introduced me, the strangers shook my hand. "I'm Maura and this is my husband, Bobby. You probably met our son, Niall, in the teen class."

I nodded, smiling, "Niall's quite a funny lad." They both chuckled, before Niall walked up, nodded to my parents and then to me.

"Why don't you come out to eat with us. The Payne's, Tomlinson's, and us always go out and eat after church. It would be an honor if you came with us." Maura smiled, holding her husband's hand at their sides. "Karen, the Styles' are coming out to eat with us," Maura repiled to Karen, Liam's parent's, and they returned us a smile.

Once we all decided on a restruanent, we all met each other there and sat down, then we all looked at our menu. Louis pointed out his favorite item on the menu, but I sat confused. I decided to go with Louis' choice, since he was the first one done, I'm going to assume it was good. All the adults sat at a different table, then us, teens. We sat and talked about the futbol match in the afternoon. I happily joined their conversation, sipping from my sweet tea. "So, Harry tell us where you came from, and what brought you here in Doncaster?" Louis asked, changing the subject toward me.

"I am from Chesire in Holmes Chapel, UK. My step-father's job moves us everywhere." I sighed, all their faces dropped from thier smiles. "But I shouldn't be leaving until after gradutation so I'm here to stay." I smiled, and they perked up right as our food arrived. Niall started eating right away, before he rememebered we should pray. We all took each others hands, when Louis grabbed my hand, he blushed lightly on his cheeks before he started the prayer.

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