Chapter Eight

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I know this is a short chapter, but i've been like super busy with school and stuff. SO don't hate me please.

I dedicate this chapter to Thomas_Styles because he ships Larry and Troyler (Two of my favorite romances of all time!) And 'cause he's just an amazing person <3 because he sent in Tweeting Love (one of my fanfics coming soon...) too Tyler...

-Rachel Styles <3

Harry POV

I sobbed loudly as the long lost friend, I held in my hand, slid down my wrist. It was Sunday morning, and I was supposed to be getting ready for church again, but I can't go today. I can't go back there, not with Louis knowing nothing about me. I watched the blood slide down my bare arm, my fresh clothes laying folded on the counter. I haven't been able to eat since I lost Louis, because of my stupid head. I've been hating my self since.

I got up from the bathroom floor, seeing my eyes turned from white to a solid red, almost bloodshot. I laid the unwashed razor in the drawer, and started cleaning my head. The burning sensation my wrist as the water rushed down my newly made cut. I bit my lip to keep myself to cry again.

I was fully dressed, all cuts covered, and hopefully the tears were gone. I knew they would come back, when I saw Louis and Eleanor together, but like I said it's probably best for him. I followed my parents out to the car, holding the phone loosely in my hand. I didn't bother with music today, I just sat back and semi-listened to mum and dad's conversation.


When we arrived, the first picture I saw was of Eleanor laying her head on Louis' shoulder. He smiled widely, both hands being tightly together. I bit my lip, trying to keep the tears in. I turned my back in the pew and started speaking to a little girl beside me, that just started this church. "Hello. I'm Lux!" She giggled, holding her tiny hand out for me. I poilently smiled, and shook her hand gently. "What you name?" She asked me, pulling down her dress as she rest her hands in her lap, adorbaly.

"I'm Harry." I smiled, she climbed in my lap, and demanded she let me sit there.

"Hally." She giggled, and turned toward the front of the church. My eyes wandered to Louis again, staring down at Eleanor's back. I wished I could kiss him right here, in front of that alter in front his father and his father be happy not grumpy.

Louis POV

My wandering eyes took hold and spied the church out. Quite a few people coming up asking if I'm okay. I'm okay, I mean I'm standing here aren't I? I scanned the church, and noticed an unknown face, Zayn stood next to me, with his arm awkwardly drapped around Chloe. He noticed me staring at the curly man, and he told me to go up to him.

I nodded and walked away from Eleanor to the unknown boy. "Hello. I'm Louis, who are you?" I asked, he looked almost hurt when I asked him the question but he replied, saying, Harry. He looked at me, like I should know him, I felt almost bad that I didn't. "Is this is your daughter? She's very cute." I poked at the little girl's stomach, who sat on his lap.

"No, just a little girl that wanted this seat." He chuckled, giving me a warm smile. I blushed lightly, not really knowing the reason and walked back to Eleanor. Zayn stared at me, with confusion wrapped around his face, I stared at him, "What bubs?" Zayn just shook his head before dad went up on stage.

I stared back at Harry, he stared at me, smiling warmly again. He held the girl in his arms, she was whispering something in his ear that made him nod and chuckle. I turned back and looked at the hymn that Eleanor was holding and started singing along. I trailed my arm around her waist, but it still didn't feel right, not in my heart.

"Alright, everyone take your seats." Dad smiled, I turned back and looked at Harry one last time, getting a tiggling feeling in my stomach, goose bumps up and down my arms. I quickly sat after Eleanor, everyone around us 'a'wwd' after that, I don't why. We didn't do anything special. Zayn sat there, both hands on his knees, trying to stay clear to not touch Chloe. I don't know why, but he doesn't seem happy with her.

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