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It was morning on aboard the ghost and everyone except for Zeb and Ezra were awake. Ezra wakes up and he felt a pain his chest it felt like everything in his chest was on fire he couldn't deal with the pain anymore so he scream. Zeb woke up to see why Ezra was screaming. Zeb locked the door to quietly inspect Ezra. Later Kanan tried to open the door.

Kanan: Ezra open the door.
Zeb: He can't at the moment.
Kanan: well can you.

Zeb the unlocked the door and Kanan ran into the room wondering why Ezra was screaming. Kanan called out Ezra's name and then Ezra's eyes opened.

Zeb: Kid why are you screaming.
Ezra: my chest
Kanan: What's wrong  with your chest.
Ezra: It feels like it's on fire, it hurts so bad.

Hera then ran into Zeb and Ezra's room after she heard the teen scream.

Hera: What's wrong with him.
Kanan: He is having a really bad chest pain.
Hera: I'm gonna call the hospital.
Kanan: Good thinking.

Kanan then walks over to his apprentice who is in serious pain.

Kanan: Ezra do you remember when your chest started hurting.

Ezra: Right when I woke up.
Kanan: Where on your chest hurts the most.
Ezra: Everywhere

Ezra the gripped his chest and screamed again.

Kanan: Shhh it's okay Hera is calling the doctor right now as we speak.

The words from his master put Ezra's mind at ease. While Hera was talking to the doctor Kanan never left Ezra's side.

Zeb: I think I know something that will help with the pain for a couple of hours.

Kanan: Then go get it.

Hera was finally done with talking to the doctor.

Hera: The ambulance should be here in a couple of minutes.

Kanan: Good because Ezra is in a lot of pain right now.

Hera and Kanan hugged each other while Zeb finishes giving Ezra the medicine. Sabine was just pacing around her room hoping the Ezra would be okay.

Star Wars Rebels my pain it hurts meWhere stories live. Discover now