The Game

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"KYAAAAAAAAAÀAAAAAHHHHHHHH I don't wanna play this anymore " shouted a brunette girl while throwing her phone

"AHHHHHHHHHH I also don't want to play this anymore it's so scary " another shout echoed in the room this time came from a orange haired girl .

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I WONT GONNA PLAY THIS EVER AGAIN ITS SO SCARY" after another minute another shout came this time it came from a black curly haired child .




"Huh are you sure that this is really scary " a brunette ask to all occupants of the room while still playing the game with his phone .

"Hey Tsuna are you really not scared with that " Takeshi ask.

" yeah jyuudaime are you really not scared with this " Hayato ask

*nod* that the only reply they got from the brunette

"*sweat drop * ah tsuna-san are you pretty sure your really not scared " Haru ask

Another nod

"Well the truth is even if I'm Dame this things really didn't scare and I don't know why " Tsuna explained while keeping his phone .

"So in other words nor even a single Horror game can scare you" Kyoko ask

"Yeah , I already played all kinds of scary games but it really didn't scare me " Tsuna said

"So Dame-Tsuna isn't scared of horror games huh interesting " said an infant with black suit with a fedora with an orange stripe and a chameleon in its fedora .

"Heeeeeeeeiiiii Reborn since when did you came " ask a shock brunette .

"Shut up Dame-Tsuna " Reborn said while hitting Tsuna a green hammer out of nowhere .

"So if none of this Horror games can scare you I will make a game that can scare you " Reborn declared while walking out

"Huh are you really sure about that " Tsuna countered

"Yes I'm sure about that Dame Tsuna and stop with your cocky-ness if that's the case then we will make a deal " Reborn said while bringing his hand out to tsuna

"Deal and what is the price if I'm gonna won the bet " Tsuna said

"Hmmmm if you still not gonna be scared then I can't hit or hurt you for one month and if your gonna be scared then I'm gonna triple your training " Reborn smirk

"Then let's see " Tsuna declared while crossing his arms and after that Reborn started walking away

"Hey tsuna are you really sure that your gonna win this bet " Takeshi ask .

"Yeah jyuudaime, baseball-freak is right are you truly sure that your gonna win " Hayato ask .

"Of course I'm gonna win because according to some people the FNA4 or known as five nights at Freddy's is the most scariest game ever but it didn't even affect me and I already finish that whole five nights in 1 hour " Tsuna said

"Wow" - everyone

After playing with some games everyone left .

After a week Reborn barge in tsuna's room and presented the game he told tsuna to play

"Here play this I'm sure you're gonna FREAK out because even the strongest men can't stand this game" .

When Tsuna hold the phone he sees the title of the game it's called SLENDRINA THE CELLAR

When Tsuna started the game he moves through the mave and opened the doors so that SLENDRINA will not capture him but when he was cornered



The whole Namimori was disturbed by that girlish scream.

In the Sawada household in tsuna's room there you could see a shaking brunette, in front of him is an infant with a bleeding nose .

"T-th...ats s-so s-s-scary " tsuna stuttered .

Reborn wipe his bleeding nose and hid his face in his fedora .

In his side Tsuna is shaking and sweating profusely because let's just say that when SLENDRINA appeared he is so scared that he threw the phone Reborn gave him and fortunately he hit Reborn in the face in the FACE!!!!

" you'll pay for this Dame-Tsuna " Reborn said with venom laced with it .



Now the whole Namimori could hear is loud gun shots and a girlish scream .

Now lesson learned never I mean NEVER EVER hit the worlds greatest hitman if you want to live .


I'm sorry if it's not funny but I tried doing it but it turned out to this I'm sorry for all . if you want to ask a question you can comment .

Also that far really exist promise it's really a nice game but if you have a heart problem don't play it because it's a Scarry game .

The truth is its because of that game that I got this idea it was like this my classmate played it in front of me and when SLENDRINA showed I was really shock and started laughing so hard that @water_girl my classmate said that I'm crazy .

Thanks for reading

(Advance) (BELATED)

October 15, 2017

I was supposed to post this on tsuna's BDAY but I was so bc so I didn't have time.

Happy belated BDAY tuna-fish
(October 14)

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