Episode 1, My life

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My name is Melody. I was born in New Jersey with a musician family.  21 years old.
That's why i love music and instruments those are my inspiration.
I cannot live without music.
There's a quote saying:

Music is not what i do
It's who i am.

When i heard that quotes,since then i always keep thats a reason i was born with music. YES music is WHO I AM.
So lets start my story.

Yesterday, my parents told me to join a musical camp but actually i don't really like to go to camping cause it cause me trouble sometimes.

"Am i have to go camping?! Ughh~" *sigh*
Suddenly someone came in to my room....
"Hey Melody, are you decide to go to that musical camp?" my sister asked.
Actually i have 6 siblings, all of them are loving music just like me..im the 4th sibling actually. :)
"Idk sis :/ , but somehow i want to join too..😅" I say.
"It's fun tho, you should join that little sis. :) "

So let me introduce to my sibiligs.
First, is my older brother BACH ...28 years old He is a master Violin and Piano actually we're all have music and musician name cause my parents obssesed with MUSIC.
Second, is my older sister VIOLA...27 years old she is a master dancer and singer actually i really love her singing. And she the one who talked to me right now.
Third, is my older brother
WAGNER... 25 years old he is a master composer music and playing all the instrument actually not really.
Fifth, is my younger sister HARMONY...17 years old she is really good at piano and singing..
Sixth,The last one is my youngest brother BEETHOVEN...15 years old..he all time fav instrument is Piano but at the same time he love Drum too, actually my dad tell him not to play Drum but he wants to. He just a beginner.

Okay let's continue my story.
"Whatever...I need to play some music so i can relax 😉" - me
"Okay but you better join it cause there's a new guy join in 😜" Viola winked.😉
"Stop it, you gonna be scolded by mom later 😂" me saying with a serious face.
"Shut up! Go hear your music and im gonna go back to my room and play some music too" 😚 Viola quickly go to her room
Actually her room is just beside me.
"Haha. GOTCHA!" me teasing my sis😛

             -To be continued-       

(Hope you guys enjoy this new story that i made..and thank you for reading my story i will continue ep 2..please vote my story and comment i will reply you question😘)

Music of loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora