Diagon Alley

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Rya sighed as she walked through Diagon Alley with Remus,it was boring and she felt sick to the stomach. Remus saw her face and gave her some money, "Go to the wand shop,the cauldron store and the ink and quil store and buy those things. And with the spare money buy some sweets or books ok? I'll get your uniform and school books,then we'll go get a owl ok?" Rya nodded as Remus patted her head and she ran off to the quil and ink store and got some beautiful blue and white quil's and ink pots. It was hard to carry so she bought a cauldron and put the stuff inside. She then proceeded to Olivanders. People stared at her,they knew she was a Black. It wad her eyes,grey steely cold eyes. She entered the wand shop as tears ran down her face. She rung the bell and Olivander came out of a door and smiled, "Ah,hello Miss Black. Let me get you a wand." He walked off and came back with a black box and gave her a wand. Rya instantly flicked it and thr light fell to the floor. Olivander shook his head,"Not that one" He came back with another,it had Ivy patterns carved into it and the top had R.B carved into it. Rya flicked it and dust formed her initials. Olivander smiled and nodded,he knew this was her wand.  IT HAD HER INITIALS ON IT!! He walked over to her and put the wand in the box and put it in the cauldron. "That will be 5 galleons." Rya handed him the five galleons and waited outside the pet shop for Remus. A few minutes later Remus came running to Rya with a bag full of stuff, "Ok,now you choose one owl and a cat." Rya nodded and walked in,she instantly went over to a black owl with grey spots. He pecked her kindly. She picked up the cage and then went over to a white kitten and a black kitten and picked out there cage. "This is what you want? Ok" he walked to the counter and payed for the pets. As Remus and Rya walked to the car a big man with a bushy beard appeared,along with a boy around Rya's age with glasses and a scar on his head. Remus smiled,"Hello Hagrid,how are you." Hagrid turned around and grinned,"Hello Remus,cant stop to chat. Gotta take Harry toget his school supplies." Remus gasped,"The Harry Potter. Wow.." Hagrid nodded and walked off. Confused Rya got her cats and got in the car,her suitcase was in the back along with her ticket and they set off fore the station.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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