Letters and Hatred

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Rya was a stubborn and bossy child. If she was told she couldnt do something she would do it anyway. Remus started to hate her a bit and felt guilty. They lived in a little house out in the country,ten miles from the town. Luckily Remus had got Sirus's car and all his things. Remus didnt want to live in Grimmauld Place,so he left it. Rya could do something to it when she was older. Other than being bossy,Rya was a bit sensitive. Someone could say she was ugly and she would punch then or throw an insult but go home and cry. Words affected her,she didnt have a thick skin like Remus. They seemed to affect her voice,she grew quieter as she got older. Remus had enrolled her at a school but she didnt talk,even though she got told off. She just flicked her hair and shrugged.

People though she was mute,but she wasnt. She was just scarred by her fathers absence,she had an incredible memory and remembered the moment her father was sent away. She didnt have a father figure to guide her or a mother figure as she had gone missing. She sometimes didnt go to school and didnt care. It wouldnt affect her anyway. She wished she would not have magic though,Remus had a wand but she didnt know any spells. Sometimes when she was young she had magical accidents,she would throw a vase across the room or push the sofa down. She would always run away after the accidents,into the woods under an oak tree where she looked at pictures of her mother. She had crossed out her father. She hated him,she hated magic.

A few weeks later an owl came and dropped off a letter. Remus opened it and called Rya, "Rya come here! Its your Hogwarts acceptance letter." Rya came running down and shook her head,"No!" Remus sighed as he kneeled down to her size and put his hands on her shoulders,"Rya,to progress in magic you have to go to Hogwarts and thats final. We'll go to Diagon Alley now." Rya scowled as she grabbed her coat and walked out of the house. She didnt want to. She despised magic,like she despised Remus. Remus came out and got into the car with her as he drove to the Leaky Cauldron. "Here we are,no dont run off and stick close to me."

Rya got out the car and walked inside with Remus. Tom smiled at Remus,"Hello Remus,havent seen you for years. And whos the little lady with you. Settled down now?" Remus walked to Tom and whispered,"Shes not mine,shes Sirus's daughter." Despite him whispering the whole pub had heard and were staring at Rya horrified. Mutters were going around, 'She has his eyes. Grey cold eyes' 'Shes gonna be a murderer,lock her up now!' 'Poor Remus.' Rya flounced off to thr outside area and waited for Remus,tears were flowing down her cheeks. She hated them all...

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