When Do I Meet Her?

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"WHAT?!" I shouted to him.

"A SISTER?! WHAT?!" I exclaimed putting my hands behind my head.

"Yes, her name is Annette. She's a year younger than you. Don't ask about her past..."

"I'm shocked, but I can't wait to meet her!" I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Your mother and Annette will be coming back here within the week. She'll be going to the same school as you." he said as he stood up, "Thank you for understanding, Adrien."

"Mom is coming home? This is the BEST day of my life!" I smiled to my father and exited his office. I quickly ran to my room. Plagg flew out.

"That's amazing Adrien! It's gonna be hard to hide your secret from her now." He said, pulling out some camembert.

"Yeah, it's gonna be different, but I think I'll like her! She'll probably look a lot like me and I just can't wait to meet her!"

Buzz! Buzz! My phone was vibrating.

"OH SHOOT! I forgot to call Marionette! We have a project due tomorrow! That must be her..." I explained as I took out my phone.

"Marionette! I'm so sorry! My father just told me I have a sister!"

"A SISTER?" she shouted into the phone, breaking my ear drums.

"Yeah, she'll be coming to our school. She's just a year younger than us and I'm so excited to meet her!"

"Wow....well-I- uh..."

"Let's get started on that project!"

"Oh! Yes- that-Okay!" she said nervously over the phone.

We worked on the project all night. I couldn't sleep, just thinking about my new sister!

-Time skip to the morning-

BEEP! BEEP! I heard my alarm go off, just as the doorbell rang. I hurried to get ready and made my way to the door. Was it her?

Father already beat me to the door. I almost cried when I saw my mother in the doorway, but you know- I had to be strong for my new little sister.

"Hello.." I heard my mom's voice as she entered the door, along with my sister...Annette.

She looked almost exactly like me. Long blonde hair, green eyes, and that model like look. I stood there, afraid to talk.

"Hello...Ann-ette! I'm Adrien!" I said, stumbling on my words.

"Oh...hello! Heh, nice to meet you, brother!"

"Adrien! Get her ready to get to school!" Father said breaking up our conversation. If you could even count that as a conversation.

"Yes, father!" I replied as I invited her up. Her first day with me at a new school. I wonder what everyone will think....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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