"I want a baby........."

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*Emma's P.O.V*

Luke had his arm around my waist as we walked around the mall in Phoenix as we laughed and walked as we lined up for the aquarium to go in we walked in as I looked at the fishes as I saw little kids from ages 2-5 I smiled at them as one ran to us she looked about 3 I smiled as I bend down to her.

"Hi sweetie are you lost?" She nodded, "I can't find my mommy." I looked at her and picked her up.

"Luke we have to help her find her mom?" He nodded as we walked and I held her, we walked and she looked around as well for a three year old she's really wise, we heard a lady yelling a name as I looked at the girl.

"Sweetie is your name Lily?" I asked and she nodded I walked up to the girl and I tapped her shoulder and she turned around with a smile of relief.

"I believe she's yours." She grabbed Lily from my arms and thanked me she reached into her purse and grabbed 50 dollars.

"No no no keep it." I said as she grabbed my hand and put the money in it, "No you deserved it you found my daughter for me thank you." I nodded and smiled she turned around as I but the 50 dollars in her pocket of her purse as she walked away.

"That was nice of you." I gave Luke a confused look, "You putting the money in her purse." I nodded as I sighed as I thought back to the baby I was holding in my belly and my eyes watered.

"Babe what's wrong?" Luke said as we sat in the car after we came from the aquarium.

"Luke don't you ever think about a life if I was still pregnant with our baby?" I looked at him as he sighed. "Yes I do, but we can't do nothing about it I'm sad we lost the baby, but I'm happy I didn't loose you." I smiled weakly as he pulled out of the parking lot and drove to our hotel as I stared out the window.

"I want a baby........." I blurted out as he parked the car in the lot and he looked at me, "What? You really want a baby?" I nodded.

"I'm 18 I have a house I have money I have fans that I think would love her or him." He smiled and smashed his lips on mine as I kissed back and he pulled away.

"What about tour and your fame." I shrugged, "I mean i can take her or him on my tours or I can just quit and we tour with you, and the girls can continue with out me." He smiled and kissed me again as I giggled at his actions and he got out as an idea popped into my head. He opened my door and we walked hand in hand to the hotel room.

I went to my suit case and grabbed my maroon laced under wear and bra and the lace cover up to go over it that was black as I quickly walked into the bathroom I changed into it I walked out and Luke looked up and eyes me up and down as I bit my lip and he got up and walked over to me as I looked at him as he grabbed my waist and he kissed my kneck and I leaned my head to the side granting him more access as he whispered something to me.

"As much as this makes you look so sexy I think it would look even better on the floor." Chills went down my spine as I smashed my lips on his as he took off my black lace robe as I jumped rapping legs around his torso he laid us on the bed and everything got heated.

*Next morning*

I got up and grabbed my bra and under wear and lid them on and put my robe on as I walked to the balcony and the sun was still not up as I saw a little light over the mountain as I felt arms wrap around me as I leaned my head back as we watched the sun rise as luke walked back wards into the hotel room as I giggled as he lift me off the ground and he closed the balcony door as he put me down.

"What was the for?" I smiled, "I don't know just thought last night was great
" my eyes widen as I smacked him. "Luke." I said and he chuckled, "It's cute your so shy to talk about it but when your under me yo-" i cut him off, "Luke.." I said covering my face as he chuckled once again and moved my hands pecking my lips.

"Babe I've been thinking." He said and I looked at him, "Yes?" He spoke again. "I was thinking we should go back home it's not far we left with out them knowing and the girls are probably extremely worried about you so what do you say." He said and I looked at him and I nodded, "Yeah let's head home." He smiled.

We showered and got ready and drove home.
Heyyyyyy guys Hows it going my readers hows life? Any way new chapter hope you enjoy vote comment do whatever you want Je t'aime


Remember (Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant