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"Room 7B4 ma'm", the young male smiled. I peeped a small thank you and walked over to Rose.

I waited patiently for Rose to get the room keys for the boys.

"Cam, wanna room with me?", Rob smirked pulling me against his chest. I did not know what to say, nor do so I kept quiet. "Dude you're scaring the poor girl", Zach said taking me away from him, "And she's rooming with Rose anyway"

"We're leaving you guys!", Rose shouted pressing the button for an elevator.

We all rushed over and got inside the elevator.


"It's Vegas, we can go anywhere you want", Austin said lowly. "But-"

"No buts", I nodded my head whispering a small 'ok'. "Um, how about-", I was cut off again.

"Tattoo parlor"


"Austin I don't think that'll be a good idea", I sighed running my hand through my brown locks. "Come on and Alex is probably going to get his lip done this time"

"Well what if I don't want a tattoo?", I said looking down.

Of course that didn't stop him. He just pulled me out the door.


"Rose I don't want a tattoo", I wined. "Camila it's not bad, plus I'll be getting one too", she said as the car came to a halt.

"I'm getting another tattoo, and Alex is getting his lip-", Austin said but was interrupted.

"What!", Rose yelled laughing. "Yes, I am", Alex mumbled getting out the car. We all followed into the parlor. Austin was behind me making sure I didn't back out on them.


"I, um, I want a small outlined heart on my toe", I peeped cupping my hands around my face. I looked up at Austin as he looked down at me reassuring me with a smirk.

I was super nervous, because I was getting my tattoo first.

I sat down on the black leather, comfy, chair. Austin and Rose sat next to me and the other boys watched. The young woman placed the trace paper on my second toe peeling it off slowly. "How does that look?", she smiled looking up at me. "Perfect", Austin replied lowly.

The tattoo gun rang through out the small corner we were in. A small pinching pain on my second toe caused me to weep covering my mouth with my hand. I felt a hand gently touch mine; I looked to my left to see Austin holding my hand in his. A small giggle slipped out of my mouth when the once pinching pain on my toe turned into nothing.

"And you're done", the woman chirped wiping off the access ink. I bent down to look at it and I was in love, honestly. The tattoo was very simple, and I really like it.


I plopped my body onto the bed breathing heavily into the fluffy white comforter. 

"What. A. Day.", I whispered quietly to myself. Sadly, the day wasn't over, yet. They were taking me out to a party, let's just say Rose is pretty well known here in Vegas. 

"Camila you've got to get ready sweetheart", Rose said pulling on leg causing me to bounce up from bed. "But, I don't have anything to wear", I replied frowning. "Oh yes you do. I bought this recently, and I think it'll look perfect on ya", she smiled wiggling this baby dress in front of me. "Rose", I sighed, "I cant-", "Camila, please?", she groaned. I nodded slowly and took the dress.

I walked into the small bathroom and got undressed slipping on the skin tight quarter thigh dress. I looked in the mirror analyzing my features that this dress brought out in me. The problem about this dress is that theres two small cut outs on my stomach area. You can see bits of my bruises and scars, and I couldn't stand to look at them. I walked out the bathroom bumping into Austin.

Wait Austin?

I whispered a small sorry wrapping my arms over my abdomen trying to hide the small bruises that peeked. He caught me by surprise when he grabbed onto my biceps prying my arms away from my body. "You look good, don't hide it", he said loosening his grip. I felt my cheeks burn up after his statement, and walked away to see Rose. 

She wore a black dress, with the same half up up-do. It was her thing as I heard

'And these are for you, to keep", she smiled handing me some nude pumps. "You know you didn't have to, but thank you they're nice", I said putting them on. 

"Take a hit", Zach slurred. He passed the blunt over to me, and I took it, no hesitation. I pressed my lips on the tip, but Austin shouted a loud f bomb.

"What the fuck are you doing Zach?!" 


I did not proof read this, I apologize I just wanted to update really bad, because it's been a while. Btw, my ipod broke so I am using my laptop to update, and I am starting to get really busy so I won't be able to update super fast like I normally do, so um yeah.. 



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