Chp. 5

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"Wake up", Rose cooed placing her hand on my forehead.

I fluttered my eyes open to see her ombré locks dangling over my face.

"Good morning", I said stretching my arms forward. "Morning, now we are going out for breakfast and we are hitting the road! Get up! Hurry!", she shouted enthusiastically.

I got up from bed heading into my bathroom and hopped into the shower. The warm heavy drops of water pattered onto my skin making my body relax.

After I finished showering up I brushed my teeth with the tooth brush they gave me and got dressed.

"Camila, your hair is wet come on let me blow dry it", Rose chirped pulling me into her room.

I admired her hair and her figure so much. She was absolutely gorgeous.

She wore a floral dress that stopped above her knees and some heels.


"Aren't you cold?", I said as she grabbed the blow dryer out her suitcase. "She dresses like that all the time", a male voice peeped. I turned around to see Austin leaning against the door. He broke our eye contact; looking over at Rose.

I flinched at the roaring noise of the blow dryer.

She made my hair wavy, and it matched with my heather gray yoga pants and black knit sweater. It was my style, laid back.

I wore my black running shoes and carried my backpack. I sat all the way in the back by myself, hogging it of course.

"Hey, do you know where we're going?", I whispered to.. I believe his name is Robert. He looked back at me and nodded, "Vegas"

No freaking way. I've always wanted to go there.

Well we have about 16 hours in this SUV. Hopefully we get to stop at places.


14 hours later

We ended stopping at a gas station to get some snacks.

I walked in with Alex and Austin while Rose uses the bathroom and Rob and Zach pump gas.

"What do you want Cam, do you mind if I call you Cam?", Austin asked reassuring me with a glare. I nodded, "Um, just an orange juice will do"

"That'll be 10.45 sir", the woman smiled bagging up our items. We exited the store and got back on the road. There was only 2 more hours until we'll get to Vegas.

"Only two hours left!", Robert shouted.


Ok so I decided to change the title of this story, what do you think?

I think that it's going to match the story line perfectly.

Thanks for reading♡

And! There is a possibility of me updating tomorrow btw so look out(:

Ok bye xx


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