Amber and I hurry out the room as well.

We run and hope that Riddle didn't see us coming out after him. We run through the corridors toward the Gryffindor dormitories.

I need to catch my breath, too many things have happened way to fast. My mind is still trying to make up its mind on what to do.

I reach out for Amber's arm and we hide behind a tall brick wall, not to far away from the old potions room.

"Amber..." I gasp, trying to breathe.

"I know. Whatever Riddle is trying to get to isn't something good."

"Do you think thats why Dumbeldore sent us there? To find out what Riddle was doing and prevent it?"

"Maybe." She says.

"Hello, what might you two be doing here at this time of night, might I ask?" Says a deep voice coming from behind us.

We both turn around and see a tall slim boy, and blonde hair with bangs that parted to one side of his angular face.

For a good few seconds Amber and I just stood there and checked him out. Wow.

Oh shoot! I think he realized what we were doing! Quick April, say something!

"We- We might as you the same question!" I huff, stepping in front and holding myself boldly.

He scoffs then chuckles, "Because...I'm a prefect. Now I'm going to have to turn you in, sorry, fun's over." He takes out his wand and steps behind us both and says, "To Dumbeldore's office."

Amber and I start walking slowly forward. I hear Amber whisper to me, "There was no 'fun' to begin with."

I nod at her remark, and we stay silient the rest of the way.

Great, what am I supposed to do about Riddle? I, always being an idiot, now feel the responsibility of stopping that villian. And I don't even know what he's doing, or trying to get pacifically. To add on the 'fun' I already have questions of my own about my existance! Why could I see those weird creatures? When have I seen death?!

Great. Just great. And it's been what like my 3rd day here and I already found trouble.

We enter Dumbeldore's office.

"Evening." We hear him say. His office looked pretty decorated though I believe this year was his first year as headmaster.

"Proffessor. I've found these two walking in the corriddors." Our 'friendly' prefect guide says.

"Thank you Max, continue your patrol." He says.

Ah, so his name is Max... Amber and I give each other stalker like looks, then we look at Dumbeldore.

"I'm sure you've been in the old potions room many times now, am I correct?" He asks warmly.

Well duh, you sent us there.

"Yes." We both confirm.

"Well, happens to be that is a restricted area."

We both gasp lightly.

"But it's alright, "he continues, "for I have assigned this to you."

I give a 'huh?' look.

"It's alright to be confused, wait for a moment and I shall explain."

He clears his throat and begins, "As you might have seen or assumed, a special someone, is doing 'things'. Now I assigned this to you two for I know you will not let me down, especially you April. have a pretty interesting background, I think you could reason with him."

Did he just bring up my parents death?

"Wait. So...'he' doesn't have parents either?"

"Either? Miss, I believe you have people that love you, your gaurdians, they care for you, love you. Tom...he...he doesn't even have that. So please help me, and the school, by doing so you'll also be helping the ministry of magic, and our whole world and existance."

"But I still don't understand... I still don't see it has to be me who does it. There's many others that lost their loved ones, why is just me?"

"Like I mentioned before... there's quite a lot in your background you are not aware of. Come, I'll show you what I mean."

We step into a small corner. Where he motions to a plate.

"Its just a plate." I say.

"No, not for long. See, when you were just a small child..." he paused, and the plate displayed some pictures, and the started to move then he started again, "Things happened. And you were- You know Miss Amber, you should head back to your dormitory, April will be with you in a moment." Amber nods and leaves. Now I know he wants to tell me something important and top secret.

"You have been lied to April. I'm afraid thats the best way I can put it. When you were young, your parents were in a small war of worlds, our magical world and another magical one. They disappeared after we won that war. Many have said they wanted some peace, to flee and live happily, without being reminded of the wounds from the war, somewhere else. They fought hard too, two of the best witches and wizards were your parents. I don't blame them either, but they have forgotten one thing here. You. Some say they misplaced you, but others say the left you, and you were left to muggle parents."

"So my parents are alive?! They told me they were dead!"

"Yes. And thats not all, someone has taken away your childhood memories, so maybe tyou've seen what had really happened that night after the war, but you can't because the ministry took all your memories away for safety purposes I'm afraid."

What? So many things were crossing my mind. My parents are alive! How? I've been lied to!WHat!?

"So can I see through the plate what happened to my parents?" I ask concern full of this whole situation.

"No I'm afraid I'll need to work with your mind, and maybe then I'll have access to those erased memories... But first I need to know what Riddle is up to."

"So my purpose of you going to Mr. Riddle was for one for you to help me find out what he's up to, because your parents abondoned you as well."

I was shocked. Too much information in such a short time. I stumbled back and muttered before I left the room,

"Pardon me, I have to go."

I run to my dormitory and on my way I shouldered that Max dude. "Hey!" He yells behind me. I ignore and keep running.

I jump into my bed with a single thought.

If I'm not who I thought I am...then who am I?


Hi guys! This chapter is still not edited, but I hope you enjoy!

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