Chapter 1

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It was a warm June morning, I was sitting in my apartment eating breakfast and cuddling with Meredith, up early and relaxing before the craziness of the afternoon would begin. I picked up my phone and checked my email, then got up to go shower before rehearsals and getting ready for the CMT Video Awards tonight. I looked out the window of my penthouse as I stood up and stretched and admired Nashville. It was good to be home, very good. 

After my shower I got dressed in a simple sundress and pulled my hair back into a bun on the top of my head knowing that whatever I did with it would be a waste of my time when my hairdresser made it red-carpet ready in just a few hours. I got a call telling me that my car was here, so I said goodbye to Meredith, grabbed my bag and got into the elevator. My security guard opened my door for me, only to find a familiar face in the backseat and making my day instantly that much better.

"Heyyy Ed!" I said as I sat down and pulled him into a hug, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I figured I’d catch a ride over with you. I’ve never done this country thing before." He laughed a little and took a sip of his Starbucks. 

"This one’s fun, it’s more like a party. It’s one of my favorites, you’re gonna love it." I looked out the window at the increasing amount of people in Nashville for the week, CMA Fest crowds were everywhere and I was noticing some of my tour shirts mixed into the crowd. I wanted to roll down the window and say hi to them but I knew that it would cause chaos and we didn’t want to be late. "And you’re here for CMA Fest! This is one of the best weeks! Just look!" I said to him as I pointed out the window at the streets filled with people making their way to fan club parties and landmarks and events. "I love being home," I said as I looked out the window and then back at Ed as his smile widened. 

"You seem a lot happier today," he said as smiled bigger.

"It’s home, my family is and I get to spend the night with my brother. I just really, really, love being home." I said, and then I looked down and my lap and played with the hem of my skirt. Without looking up, I reached my hand over to the center console for the bottle of SmartWater that’s always waiting there, ready for me and my hand collided with Ed’s. His was there resting on his cup from Starbucks in the cup holder next to my water. I left my hand there, next to his in-between our beverages and looked at him differently than I ever have. 

”I loved our friendship, absolutely 100%, couldn’t live without it, he is my best friend, and with the way the media has portrayed me in the last year, I know I can’t be dating anyone for awhile or at least seen that way, and I know that dating Ed could ruin our friendship forever if it goes wrong and love hasn’t always lasted for either of us. It’s something that has kept me up over the last couple of weeks as we’ve gotten closer than we ever have. Maybe its the tour, or maybe it’s just me wanting love. But he’s my best friend and for now, I’ll leave the backs of our hands touching in the middle of the car, looking away from him and slightly blushing and ignore what I’m sure we both just felt. 

As my phone rings to my publicist calling me about the red carpet strategy for tonight, I break away from the thoughts in my head and talk to Paula and watch Ed out of the corner of my eyes playing a game on his phone until we pull up at the Bridgestone Arena. I hang up the phone with her as my security gets out of the car first. I put on my sunglasses and take a few pictures before going inside and meeting up with my band to rehearse, do some interviews, and then it’s off to getting ready for the live show. I don’t see Ed again until we’re inside and the show is about to start and what happened that night is something I never thought would happen, ever.

The rest of the afternoon was a blur. I was sitting in my dressing room with my brother, mom, and publicist as I was getting my hair done talking about what to do after the award show. Austin had recently turned 21, so party? I knew if I was partying it’d have to be on a low profile, and there’s not really any place here in Nashville that’s exclusive like in LA or New York. I looked at my phone and texted Ed.

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