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Octavia's POV

I woke up and remembered: Today is my History final!

I studied for six hours last night, but only got four hours of sleep.

"Octavia," my dad says. "You're going to be late if you don't get up now."

My dad walks in with some yogurt in a cup and a waffle. "I made you breakfast," he says.

He wasn't always part of my life. After my mom died, he finally accepted me as a daughter and moved in with me. He's trying to make up, and I appreciate it.

I dig in, while scrolling through my texts. Everyone in my grade is failing history, and we need to ace this test to graduate. My dad says that if you don't graduate high school now, it will be harder to get it done in the future.

One of the texts from my best friend Harper catches my eye. It's a picture of a guy who goes to my school, but with his shirt off. She always does this, but for some reason, I feel magnetized to this guy. I want to find out more.

I catch the late bus to school and start texting Harper. "Who is he?" I ask.

"Ooooh, so you are interested," Harper replies.

"Don't be like that. I just want to know his name," 

"His name is Lincoln," 

"Is he single?"

"Probably. Maybe you should see for yourself."

I turn off my phone and start reviewing my flash cards again.

**12 hours later**

I took the test, and it 'proved to be very challenging'. Those are Mr. Pike's exact words. My grades have been going down for the past year, since my brother left for Afghanistan. When Bellamy comes back, he's probably going to be disappointed. 

The phone rings, and dad answers it. I listen in on my dad's side of the conversation and a frown creeps across his face. I wonder why.

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