"Can I wear your shirt?" He whispered, confusing me.

"You want to wear my shirt? Why?"

He blushed lightly as he looked down. "I like your cologne."

I couldn't help but smile as I slowly slid my shirt off. I then helped him slide the shirt onto his body. He was basically swimming in the shirt, since it was so big on him.

"Thank you," he whispered before giving me a smile. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom."

When he left the room, I got into his bed and stared at the ceiling. My eyes closed as I ran a hand into my hair, as a yawn left my lips. A few minutes later, the door was opening and closing again before Noah was climbing into bed as well. My eyes instantly opened, watching him move the blankets around us. When he was finally comfortable, he gave me a sleepy smile before yawning.

"I plan on going to law school to make sure people don't get treated the way I was," I softly said. "Especially children. I don't want any child having to go through what I did. And I want to make sure parents are held responsible for their actions."

I briefly looked up to see Noah leaning on his elbow, his fingers resting on my bare chest. Before he could respond I looked away while saying, "I should have told you I was a virgin before we first slept together. I just never thought I would be in a situation like that. It also wasn't a mistake like I told you before. I was just really scared because I've blocked feelings from my life. Ever since Justin screwed with my mind, I felt like that was it. Then you came," I whispered while looking back over at him. "And you changed the way I've thought about relationships. I can't promise that this will be an easy relationship, because I have so much baggage."

My eyes left his face to glance up at the ceiling, his fingers now gently rubbing my cheek. "My parents never told me they loved me, never believed in me. They told me no one would ever love me, and I got so used to them saying that I believed it. But with you, I feel so different." I then gently placed my hand over his as my eyes looked at his face. "I don't want you to think that this relationship is just about sex. It's not, you're worth so much more than that. I'm going to try and not mess this up, the only thing I've ever cared about in my life."

With watery eyes, Noah leaned down and gently kissed my lips. "I'll always be trying to make you believe you're with it too. Your parents and Justin honestly didn't deserve to be in your life. You're such an intelligant and gentle man. I want you to know that, and that you mean so much to me."

I smiled while pulling him closer, gently resting my head on his. We stayed in a comfortable silence before he looked back up at me. His blonde hair was looking almost translucent from the moon behind him. "Do you ever want kids?"

Sighing, I slowly ran my hand up and down his back while thinking. "I'm not sure. I just can't see myself being a father to a little baby."

"Why do you think that?"

"Maybe because I didn't have those role models that most people do. I have a certain image in my head of what perfect parents should be. But, it all comes down to me not thinking I'd be a good parent. A family was something I craved so much growing up, I don't know what I'd do if I actually had one."

Noah ran his fingers through my hair while kissing my cheek. "Well for the record, I think you'd be an amazing father. I can see the passion in your eyes when you talk about law school. I know you'd use that passion for your chidren."

I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips, causing Noah to scrunch his eyebrows together. "What?"

"Are we seriously talking about kids? Hell, we're still kids."

Jet Black Heart (boyxboy) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now