Living My dreams ~ A One Direction Story

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So, i have been writing this story for a while now and my friends keep telling me to post it so i am. This part is pretty bad but i had to get into things a bit. As you get further into the story it gets better. I am curently writing the sequel to this story so the updates for this story will hopfully be pretty fast. I have the story written in my notebook so i have to type it all up. This is a shorter chapter but they will get longer.




Do whatever you fell like! ... enjoyy!!


"Its Time!" i shouted as i got dressed, grabbed my bag and went down stairs. I said good bye to my mom and ran out th door.I got into my car and i drove to Alice's house I honked the horn and she ran out and got into the car. "I cant believe this is happening Amy!" She said. "I know, our dreams are coming true."

We arrived at the airport soon after. We boarded the plane and took our seats. Amice and I were sitting in first class, fancy right. When the plane was about to land we put our things away and buckled up. The plane landed and we got up and walked off the plane. "Were here!" i exclaimed as we ran throught the doors out onto the streets of England.

I looked around in awe. "Its beautiful." i said in a wisper. "Just like you." a voice replied. I turned around and saw a group of five guys "Um, thanks, Im Amy and this is my friend Alice" i said. "Nice to meet you Amy and Alice. Im Harry, this is Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam." He said while pointing at each boy. "Cool, wait you guys from that band called umm... One Direction right." I asked. "Yes we are." The blonde one named Niall answered. "So what are you to doing in Enlgand?" Louis asked. "We are attending a boarding school." Alice answered. We both grew a huge grin on our faces. "Thast awsome, so are we. How old are you guys?" Liam asked. "Im 17 and Alice is 18, but ill be 18 in February." i said. "Really, me too." Harry said. "Its been rally nice meeting you, but we should be going. Bye!" i said. "Bye" the all waved as we walked away.

As we were walking away somebody pulled me back. I turned and looked to see who it was. It was Harry. "I cant let a pretty girl walk away without getting their number." He said with a checky grin. He handed me his phone and i put my number in it and he put his in mine. "Bye, Harry" i said. "Bye, Amy." he replied, and we both walked in opposite directions.

Alice and i walked into the dorms of our boarding school and got our room number. We took the elevator up to our floor and went into the room. As we opened the door i saw a short blonde haired boy with peircing blue eyes. I scanned him over again and reliezed that it was Niall.

"Hey Niall!" i shouted. "Oh, Hey Amy, Alice. Looks like we will be sharing a room together!" he said. "Yeah, i guess we will be" i relpied. I picked up my bag and ran over to the bed closest to the window. "This bed is mine!" i shouted while I dropped my stuff onto the bed. I threw my body down onto the bed and Alice began to laugh. I looked over at Niall who had a smirk on his face. Based on the very little i know about One Direction, Niall was going to be a pleasure to room with.

After a while of just laying there starring out the window i got up and unpacked my things. While i put them away i found a picture of me, my mom, and Alice. I put it up by my bed and the door bursted open. I looked around my shoulder and saw four boys standing in the middle of the room. "So, Niall who are the luck laides you will be rooming with?" Harry asked. "Hey Harry." i yelled. "No way! Amy and Alice." Louis shrierked. "Yeah, that is our names.: Alice said. I almost forgot she was there.She wasnt normally this quiet. The guys sat down on our beds, Liam on Nialls, harry and Louis on mine and Zayn on Alices.

"So i guess this means we will be getting to hang out alot more than we thought." Harry said while facing me. His hair was amazing, lushes curls that feel in the perfect place, His eyes were mesmerizing and his smile was amazing, as were his dimples when he smiles. His voice is like an angel.... Wait what am i doing, i hardly know him, i cant like him. "Amy, Amy what are you doing?" i wa taken out of my trance by Zayn.

I am just going to have to get to know them all before i figure out of i really like Harry.

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