Chapter 62: Avengers Assemble

Start from the beginning

"The Soldiers from Siberia?" Steve asked. I nodded, noting his grief-stricken face. Kilgrave taking Bucky meant that Steve had lost his best friend all over again. I didn't know how he was coping.

"Yes. Bucky must have told this guy where they were, and now he's released them so that we're distracted, so that we're not looking for him."

"And we're just supposed to... kill these soldiers? Single-handedly?" Falcon asked.

"We have no choice. We need to get as many people as possible, go to these places, find the soldiers and kill them before they kill any civilians, or worse, one of us."

"And we can't tell Ross because...?" Nat asked.

"If Ross finds out that we're involved in something that could destroy 5 places, he'd send us back to the Raft. At the moment he's just looking for any excuse."

"What about S.H.I.E.L.D? Couldn't Fury and Hill help?" Hawkeye asked.

"Good idea," I said. "Call them."

"What about Stark?" Wanda asked.

"What about him?" I responded.

"You haven't called Tony Stark?" Jess asked, speaking up for the first time. "You said we had to call anyone who could help, but you didn't think that included Iron Man?"

"I... Stark and I... it's complicated."

"We need him," Nat said.

I sighed. "Fine, I'll call Stark. Jess, can you ask Luke?" I asked her.

"I don't want him to get hurt," she said.

"We both know he'll be fine," I said with a knowing look. She left the room to make the call. "Anyone know how to get in touch with Thor and Banner?"

"I have a few things we can try," Nat said. "Come on, Steve." They left the room together.

"Wanda, remember that Deadpool guy? Do you still have his number?" I asked.

She smiled. "Yeah. I'll call him now."

Then it was my turn to make the call that I was dreading.

"Stark Industries, you're speaking to Christine, may I help you?"

"Um, is Stark there?"

"Mr Stark is in a meeting. Do you want to leave a message?"

"It's urgent. Can you get him out of it?"

She hesitated. "Whom shall I say is calling?"

"Rogue. It's really important."

"Hold on," she said. I could hear her heels tapping on the ground as she walked. A moment later, the phone was picked up.

"Rogue?" Stark said.

"You have a new assistant?" I asked.

"That's what you called to ask me?" he asked. I could hear the smirk in his tone.

"No. I actually don't know why I asked that, I don't care if you have a new assistant. We need your help."


"It's a long story. Do you remember those Super Soldiers in Siberia? The people in the glass domes?"

"Yeah, what about them?" he asked.

"Someone woke them up and let them out. They're attacking five different countries and we need as many people as possible to help us kill them. They're highly trained assassins and they're fighting to kill."

"Who do you need?" he asked immediately.

"Anyone, everyone who can help. Rhodey, Spider-Man, everyone."


"And T'challa, if you can get him," I added as an afterthought.

"I'll try."

"And Stark, thank you," I said as people started making their way back into the living room. I hung up.

"You got Stark?" Nat asked.

"And others," I said. "Thor and Banner?"

"They're in."

"Deadpool's in," Wanda interrupted. "He actually seemed excited about it."

"Great. But guys, if you don't want to do this, say now and you don't have to. These guys are dangerous, more deadly than anyone we've ever faced. And they could even come with their own armies. If we do this, there's a very good chance that we won't all walk away."

Everyone looked at each other. I'd never asked so many of my friends to put themselves in danger before, but this was different. I had no choice. We were superheroes, it was our job to save the world.

"What about Bucky?" Steve asked.

"After we defeat the Soldiers, we'll find him." I promised Steve. Whether I believed it myself or not was a different story.


Thank you for reading! Guess what you think will happen next!

I'm putting up an important Author's Note about the next few chapters tomorrow, so make sure you come back and read it!

If you liked this chapter, you know what to do xx

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