Meanwhile with Team Hebi (snake):

"Hey Sasuke you feeling better y_____?" Suigitsu froze upon seeing his friend and leader tangled in the sheets clearly having a nightmare. "Oh s**t!" he ran over and shook Sasuke by his left shoulder (because the curse mark caused his right shoulder to throb painfully whenever someone touched it). "Wake up Sasuke!" he cried knowing Karin would be pissed off if she found Sasuke like this. (Karin distastes Suigitsu with passion and blames him for the bad things that happen to Sasuke even when it isn't his fault). Sasuke's eyes were bleeding like someone was poking them with a needle. "Come one Sasuke wake up already! What's going on in that head of yours? You're not a heavy sleeper!" Suigitsu cried vainly trying to wake his friend. Karin and Jugo picked that moment to join him in the hotel room. "What is going on fish boy?" Karin demanded. "I found him like this Karin he won't wake up!" Suigitsu said shaking their leader again. "Sasuke wake up dang it!" he said again.

Back in the Akatsuki base Kisame continued to shake Itachi roughly hoping he would wake up. "Itachi!" at that moment Itachi snapped awake his eyes wild. He struggled against Kisame tangling himself in the sheets further. "Itachi! Calm down!" Kisame said trying to hold his partner still. "Kisame...?" Itachi said weakly looking up his partner with glassy eyes. "Yea jeez you had me scared there for a moment. I thought I wouldn't be able to wake you up." Kisame said. "Your eyes are bleeding by the way." He said handing Itachi his handkerchief. "...Hn..." Itachi said taking the cloth. "That bad huh?" Kisame said letting Itachi have his space. Itachi was silent and Kisame knew it had to do with Lily his neko fiancé; he knew about them being engaged because he spoke bird and asked a bird that lived near the field where Itachi went on his month off. "He's with Lily his neko fiancé, but it's a secret so shh." The sparrow had replied. "Itachi you all right now?" Kisame asked his partner. "Better now Kisame, thank you for waking me up." Itachi said lying down again. "Goodnight Itachi, sleep well." Kisame said knowing Itachi was trying to hide his frightened tears. "Goodnight... Kisame." Itachi said his voice breaking as the tears began to fall. Poor Itachi is a nervous wreck because of the conversation earlier this evening; now the nightmare's upset him even more... he has no energy left to keep his emotions in check. Kisame thought as Itachi began to sob quietly on his bed. "She'll be all right Itachi..." Kisame whispered.

Back to team Hebi (snake)

Sasuke sat up suddenly startling Suigitsu horribly. "Sasuke you all right man?" He asked. "I had a very weird nightmare about Oto, a cat woman, humanoid things and my brother; no I'm not all right." Sasuke said tearing up. "Do you want to be alone?" Jugo asked. "Not really no, but I don't want to keep you up." Sasuke replied. "I'll stay with you." Jugo said kindly. "Okay big guy if you say so." Suigitsu said standing up. "Goodnight leader" Karin said. They left the two alone and Sasuke wiped his eyes. "Okay what the hell is going on with me?" Sasuke said looking uneasy. "I believe you are sharing minds with Itachi; it's common between siblings." Jugo replied. "So my brother is crying right now?" Sasuke asked. "Yes and you are feeling his sadness." Jugo confirmed. "Great so now he is tormenting me again..." Sasuke groaned flopping onto the pillow annoyed. "Goodnight Sasuke..." Jugo said. "Night Jugo dream of Kimimarro." Sasuke replied as Jugo left him alone. Itachi why can't you just stay out of my head damn it! Sasuke thought straightening the quilt. -Weeping- why do you hate me Sasuke? I didn't mean it that way... Sasuke jolted in alarm. What the hell??? He thought weirded out. Now you hate me and want to kill's my fault that you went to the pedophile...-sob- I couldn't stop him from hurting you... Sasuke mentally gaped at the voice "No way... I'm so scared to try this but..." Itachi is that you weeping? He asked. -Silence- Sasuke growled frustrated. God damn it!!! Sasuke fell asleep again this time dreaming his own dream.

Akatsuki Base 09:30

Kisame yawned and went to see if Itachi was up yet after the emotional meltdown the previous evening. "Itachi you awake yet?" He said looking at the lump in the covers. "I'm awake Kisame." Itachi said quietly from under his blanket. "I brought you some tea and eggs." Kisame said. "Thanks Kisame" Itachi said sitting up and taking the tray from Kisame. "Hey you all right?" Kisame asked carefully. "Not really Kisame..." Itachi said weakly. "I'm sure the demons are just being evil." Kisame said. "It seemed too real for that..." Itachi said taking a sip of tea. "You think Sasuke is all right?" Kisame asked. "I can hope he's all right, but..." Itachi began to shake. "Itachi do you want to be alone?" Kisame asked taking the tray from his partner. "I want to find Sasuke and hug him tight." Itachi replied tears falling down his cheeks. "Erm I'll ask Leader if we can look for him." Kisame said leaving with the tray to find Pein. "Sasuke..." Itachi began to sob uncontrollably the pain in his heart becoming overbearing. Kisame meanwhile found Pein and received permission to look for Sasuke. "Itachi we can go look for him." Kisame said upon entering the room. Itachi looked up and smiled weakly obviously relieved. "Let's go find us an angry emo avenger." Kisame grinned strapping Sahmahada to his back. "Yes, let's find my brother." Itachi agreed wiping his eyes as they set out.

Sasuke meanwhile was trying to figure out why Itachi did not answer him last night when he'd clearly heard his brother crying. Suigitsu walked over to his boss and waved his hand in front of his face. "Hello earth to Uchiha, come in Sasuke!" Said teen jolted out of his meditating state and growled annoyed that he was disturbed. "What is so damn important?!" Suigitsu gulped and said, "Your brother was spotted near the border of this country with Kisame an hour ago." Sasuke smiled sinisterly and said, "Good, I can ask him why he was crying last night and why I was having his dream. Then I'll kill him." Sasuke was so busy imagining Itachi's death that he failed to see his sibling walking up the road towards him. "Itachi will suffer like I did, maybe that cat woman is useful after all. I will make sure Itachi knows my pain if it kills me." Sasuke stated. "So thanks for telling me your weak spot aniki." CLANG! Sasuke turned in time to see the very object of his hatred run off into the village crying. Kisame shook his head, "Must you be so blunt kid?" "Blunt?" Sasuke questioned. "Yes, blunt kid, we came here so Itachi could hug you or something." Kisame replied. "He wants to hug me?!" Sasuke asked dumbfounded. "Or something." Kisame said and Sasuke gaped.

Itachi ran through the village paying no heed to the scenery around him nor the people. "Hey watch it!" A man shouted after Itachi shoved him aside roughly. "Gomen" he said before hurrying off again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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