Could it really be as simple as this?

He pushed back against Kuroro again, deliberately now. Kuroro hissed softly.

"What are you doing?"

"Continuing," Kurapica replied, trying to sound puzzled. "I've just bought us a few hours. I thought you'd want to make use of them."

There was a long moment of silence, where neither of them moved. Kurapica was content to wait him out. The heat in his chest intensified. It wasn't only the blond who felt a certain loss of control when Kuroro's hands were on him. The Spider Head may have looked indifferent to what they were doing, but behind that imperturbable exterior, he was starting to unravel.

The heat twisted and writhed, low in his belly now. He pushed back against Kuroro again, needing more of the delicious friction between their bodies.

"What are you waiting for?" he asked, getting impatient. "You started this; you had better continue it."

Kuroro's hand stroked up and down his abdomen twice.

"So impatient," he said with a low chuckle. "I haven't changed my mind. Just re-planning my day."

Kurapica heard the lie and was glad he was facing away from the older man, for he could feel a smile curve his lips. For months, Kuroro had jerked him around, driving Kurapica mad with kisses and touches. The Kuruta had been too clumsy in these matters to truly retaliate, but it seemed like the tide was shifting. Good or bad, this was his reality now, and he would face it and make use of it.

"Re-plan later," he told the older man. "Aren't you supposed to focus on me, during these matters?"

"Oh, believe me," Kuroro said, voice deeper as he murmured by Kurapica's ear, "my attention is completely on you."

"You could have fooled me," Kurapica sent back.

He twisted around so that he could face Kuroro. He slid both of his arms around the back of the older man's neck and pressed against him. If Kuroro was starting to lose control because of Kurapica, then the blond would make the best of the situation. He ignored the pang of guilt that these thoughts provoked in him, and tilted his head so he could leave a little bite to Kuroro's jawline. The Spider Head sucked in a breath.

"You seem to be in a fairly good mood as well," he commented, leaning back to look at the blond.

Kurapica didn't mind his earlier comment being turned back on him. He made sure none of the elation he felt showed on his face. He slid one hand up Kuroro's chest and tilted his head slightly to the side.

"Why shouldn't I be?" he asked the older man, using the same words Kuroro had answered his comment with.

He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against Kuroro's mouth, pulled back slightly, then pushed the tip of his tongue between the taller man's lips. Kuroro opened his mouth to him and deepened the kiss. His arms encircled Kurapica and pulled him in, though the blond was already pressed tightly against him. In that moment, Kurapica knew that it was worth it. All of these months spent wondering, hesitating, pondering over his decision, unsure of what he was doing, flipping between yes, let's do this and no, this was a mistake, all of it was paying off.

In that moment, he knew he had won.

He pressed closer, if at all possible, and leaned in so his mouth was right next to Kuroro's ear. He breathed in and out a few times, noticing the way the Spider Head's hands tightened on him. He allowed himself a smile, his face hidden from Kuroro's view, then nuzzled the shell of Kuroro's ear, just above his strange earring.

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