"Eita?" You ask, eyeing Tendō who was watching you with an intense gaze. After the boys saved you, you became really close with them and you didn't even notice that Tendō was your classmate all along. In addition to that, you started to develop feelings for Eita. "Why is Tendō here?"

He chuckles, watching every person pass by him. "I've arrange for a sleepover for us when I come back."

You grin widely. "Really?" Your excited and chirpy voice brought butterflies in his stomach as a broad smile danced on his lips.

But his smile falters, seeing Akio walking with a group of men around him. "That is, if I come back alive. see you, baby girl. I love you."

"What?! Eit⎯" He ended the call and counted Akio's bodyguards. he plans on getting their attention and lead them towards the dark alleyway where he will kill all of them. As dumb as it sounds, he throws a rock at Akio's head, causing him to stumble on the street. Eita puts on his cap and sunglasses, running at full speed.

"Get him!" Akio shouts. and knowing that pig motherfucker, he will probably tag along with his bodyguards. Eita chuckles, thanking Goshiki for his idea and turns around to the dark alleyway. "It's just like we talked about. There are 10 people guarding him and only I will kill Akio, understand?" Eita whispers through the earpiece in a condescending tone.

"Roger that, young master."

"Thank you, Kei."

The footsteps were getting closer and closer to him and then, Akio's people started to surround him, each with guns in their hands. "How dare you do that to boss!" One guard yells in rage. Eita throws his head back, laughing like a maniac. Then, after a snap of his fingers, all Akio's bodyguards limped in death.

"yOSHAA! SUCCESS!" Shōyō shouted in the earpiece.

"Shut up." Tobio rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Young master, are you alright?" Sugawara questioned.

"Don't worry about me." Eita chuckled darkly, hearing Akio's calm footsteps heading towards him. But what Akio didn't know is that all his people are dead. Akio turned to the alleyway with a huge smirk on his face.

"Well, well, well are you ready to be ki⎯" he paused in his sentence midway, noticing his guards were all dead. he saw Eita with a gun resting on his hip.

"Are the tables turned now, akio?" Eita chuckled darkly, taking a step forward, squishing Akio's guard's head with his boot.

Akio stared at Eita with frightened eyes. "You're crazy! you're a murderer!" Akio points a finger of accusation at his way.

The accused boy scoffed, now grabbing the gun from his hips. "Look who's talking. You fucking raped her!" He spats.

"That slut. I told her not to tell anyone."

Eita pointed the gun toward's Akio's knees and he pulled the trigger. A gasp escaped from Akio's mouth as he found himself on his knees. Eita reloads his gun and shoots Akio's other knee. "You know," He blew off the smoke from his gun. "I asked her how many times you raped her."

"Fuck you man!" Akio shouted, holding his blown knees back into place.

"And she told me that you raped her for the 22nd time— no... 23rd, that's right!" He snaped his fingers and stared at Akio full of hatred. "So now, I'll be sending twenty one bullets in all parts of your body."

"My dad will kill you!" Akio started to cry, swearing curse words.

Eita chuckled, his shoulder heaving up and down. the scent of blood wafting through the dark alleyway. "I think you're too late for that. My father already put a bullet in your dad's head, oh and with your mom and sibling's head too. Sucks for you, but we'll take your position as the most dangerous Yakuza gang now."

"What the fuck are you talking about?!"

"Enough with the talking." He pointed the gun to where Akio's private part is located. "This would have never happened if you didn't hurt her." The sound of a gun going off and whimpers echoed through the dark alleyway.

"And remember this, before you die." Eita bent down to Akio's bloodied body and pressed the gun to his temple.

"No one hurts what's mine."

author's note:

well that was dark.

requested by ; @Iwaizoomin. i hope you liked this one shot!

plot twist semi is also the heir of a yakuza gang and karasuno is his bodyguards or people

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