Chapter 5: The Meeting

Start from the beginning

He is my mate.

He knew it.

Any hint of feelings he had towards me did nor show on his face.

Shouldn’t he be overwhelmed with happiness that he has now found his mate?

“Y-you are my mate?” I struggled to say; still not sure if this is even real.
Perhaps I’m dreaming?

“Obviously.” He rolled his eyes.

He sat promptly into a huge brown office armchair.

“You knew this all the time, didn’t you?”  I asked angrily.

“That’s why you didn’t let me see your face. You’re such an asshole.” I added wanting to punch him...Or I just wanted to touch him. I’m not sure anymore.

“I might be your mate, but I’m still your King, wolf.” Dark shadow crossed his face.

Damn that was hot. He looks so hot when he’s angry. 

Okay, Naomi. Chill. What the fuck is wrong with me?

“Right. Sorry my mate-king for being angry because you kidnapped me…. Twice” I added sarcastically and not exactly knowing where all this is coming from.

He might be my mate but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t mean he won’t strangle me to near death if I keep on offending him.

“Don’t you know when it’s time to shut up for once?” He hissed.

If looks could kill, I would be six feet under the ground right now.

“I’m sorry.”  I looked at the floor avoiding eye contact.

He took a deep breath before continuing: “Don’t you know why you are here?” He asked.

I looked up wondering.

There are not many reasons that seem realistic to me so I just went with the obvious one.

“Because I’m your mate?”  I guessed.

I scanned his desk and my eyes stopped on the framed picture that was standing next to his laptop.

A boy and a girl were smiling in the photo. The same boy and the girl from the painting in the hallway.

“Yes. Any other reasons popping up in your pretty, little head?” He stood up walking over to me.

“Um, no?”  I answered still looking at the picture.

It didn’t take much effort to realise that kids in the photo were Kase and his sister. I wonder what really happened to her? I doubt their father killed her. Rumours might follow him like flies follow shit but no one could do something like that to their own child.

“Because Naomi, as my mate you are my….” He paused for a second before he continued.

“How do I word this correctly?  My Achilles heel.” He finished grinning strangely.

I glared at him.

His weakness?

We don’t even know each other and he’s already judging me.

“How can I be your weakness if you don’t even know me?” I backfired, forgetting the fact that he’s also a King.

“Watch it.” He ordered harshly.

I tried so hard not to roll eyes.

“Don’t you dare to speak to me as though you’re higher than me.” His tone in voice was suddenly serious.

He held onto the edge of the desk tightly.

“As I was saying, as my mate you will be staying here. In my castle. You will have your bedroom, and since I wasn’t familiar with your curse until the last night,” He frowned remembering about the events last night before continuing.  “One of my guards will escort you to the prison cell every night before midnight and chain you up in silver chains. In the morning you’re free to go to your bedroom and sleep or do whatever.”

He seemed very confident about his plan to lock me out from the whole world in his castle.

“What makes you think I won’t escape?”  I asked already thinking about my escape plan.

“I already spared you by not killing you in the first place. Consider yourself lucky. If you try to escape, I won’t be as merciful.” He looked at me seriously.

Well damn, I’m pretty sure he’s telling the truth.

“Merciful? You’re locking me out from the entire world.”

I wanted to yell at him but I know that won’t get me anywhere so I just stayed silent.

“Let me show you something, Love.”

A sinister smile plastered on his face.

He called one of his guards to come in. A guard marched in and halted in front of the Alpha. Kase didn’t say anything for a while and instead, that same smile seem to fill the silence.

In a spur of a moment, not even realising what was about to happen, a swift, sudden movement of Kase Ryder’s hands had the guard slumped to the ground. The sound of bones cracking echoed throughout the room.
Everything halted.

My breathing hitched. 

“See this? This will be you if you don’t listen to me. It’s simple, I say something and you do as you’re told.”

He looked at me. 

Shock was clearly my first reaction to what just happened. He just killed a man in front of me.

If he thinks he can own me or play with me as if I’m some kind of toy, he’s wrong.

He may be my King but he’s also the biggest asshole that ever walked this Earth. Why would Moon Goddess ever mate me with him? I would rather be mateless than suffer the rest of my life being mated to this brutal, vicious creature.

“Can I leave now?”  I asked, trying so hard not to look at guard’s lifeless body as tears were forming in eyes.

“Yes.” Kase smiled at me once more as I left the room.

Did he think he actually achived something by doing that?

What a fool.

I bowed my head as I exited the room. There is no way I’ll stay here. I would rather die chasing the freedom than live in someone’s castle not being able to see the sunlight.

I’ve been imprisoned almost my whole life, and I don’t want that any longer.

Holaaa! How are y'all? Here's a new chapter, hope you liked it. Leave your thoughts in the comments :I

Stay sassy :)

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