Elena's POV

I don't think I have ever been more worried in my life. I was thrilled to be back wth Grayson, but I don't know if the person who wrote the note was bluffing or not.  As we sprinted into the woods, I caught the scent of Cameron and Jackie.

"Grayson do you smell them too?" I asked him as we were running. He nodded and make eye contact with me.

We ran and I soon saw Cameron sitting on the ground holding a dark red curly haired girl. No.

I ran even faster and slid to a stop in front of them. Cameron's eyes were puffy from crying and he held Jackie's body in his arms, she wasn't moving. I fell to my knees and my heart break.

Cameron looked up at me and I immediately scooted over next to him and wrapped him in an embrace. He cried softly into my shoulder and I rubbed small circles on his back. Tears streamed down my face but I had to stay strong for him. I looked up at Grayson and his eyes were glowing blue and his knuckles were clenched as he stared at Jackie's body. I made eye contact and spoke to him in my mind.

What are we going to do?

I don't know Luna

We have to find the others

Let's bring Jackie's body and try and find Jen, Ethan, Kian and Erika.

I nodded at him and felt my heart clench. Ethan. Jen. Kian. I cant lose them too.

"Cameron" I said softly. "Can you carry Jackie? We have to find the others" I made sure to make my voice very soft, I don't know how out of control his wolf is. But he nodded at me, he kept calm.

Me and him stood up slowly and he picked Jackie's body up gently. It broke my heart to see her. I squeezed my eyes to stop the tears, I had to focus on getting what we can of the pick to safety, time for grieving is later.

We walked through the woods and Grayson caught scent of Jen and Ethan. I hope they are alive. I took a deep breath and we followed the smell into the woods.

It took us a long time because we had to walk since cameron was carrying Jackie. I looked through the night, it was hard to see, but the full moon's light helped us see deeper into the woods. I looked and saw Grayson frozen in place, staring directly in front of him. I followed his gaze to see a table in the middle of the woods, and Jen and Ethan's bodies laying in the moss. No no no not both of them. I sprinted towards them and slid to my knees by there sides. Grayson fell next to me and I saw that Ethan wasn't breathing. Jen was laying on his chest, but she was alive, in fact she was fast asleep.

"Jen?!" I said, my voice cracking fro the tears coming on again.

She opened her eyes slowly and she made eye contact with me. She lifted her head up to look at me, but her eyes were void of any emotion and she just stared at me for a moment, before resting her head back on Ethan's chest.

"Oh my god" I felt sobs coming on.

I lost Jackie, I lost Ethan, Kian and Erika are no where to be found. And I have pretty much lost Jen too.

"Ethan?" Grayson's hoarse voice cracked as he spoke his name. That is his twin brother, I honestly have no idea how he could be feeling right now.

"Ethan!" Grayson spoke louder, as if he was supposed to wake up to his voice.

"ETHAN!!" Grayson was full out screaming his name and he cupped Ethan's face, but he remained motionless.

"He's not going to wake up" Jen said, her voice was in monotone and she stared into nothing, her face emotionless.

Grayson finally got hit with the reality of what was happening and leaned back and let out the most sorrow-dread filling howl I have ever heard. Every happy bone in my body died with Jackie and Ethan.

"Where's Erika?" I asked.

"She's never coming back, she let Ethan die" Jen replied emotionless again.

Anger flared up again in the pit of my stomach and I had to take a deep breath to calm down.

"What about Kian?" I asked again.

Jen let out a sickening laugh "oh he had to jump off of a cliff, he is dead too".

This is all my fault.

I put my face in my hands and let out sobs. This was the only family I had ever had and they are all dead. Grayson was staring blankly at Ethan's face. I doubt he could even process that he was gone. Cameron was sitting Indian style with Jackie in his lap, and was stroking her hair while humming a song I didn't recognize. All of us are not just shells. Jen looked over at Cameron and then Jackie, she only stared for a moment before laying her head on Ethan's chest again. Tears silently ran down her cheeks. I didn't know what she was thinking, I don't know what Grayson is thinking. I cant believe any of this is actually happening. I couldn't comprehend this...I refuse too.

The moon shone over all of us and I looked up into it. I have heard about the Great Luna, but I don't believe she is real. If she were real, she would haven't let all of these people die.

As the clouds covered the moon again, it was darkness surrounding us once more. I ran out of tears, so I just stared ahead of me.

But I saw light come from behind me and I slowly turned around. It looked as if a god like person was floating down from up above. I could sense it was a female, and she had a person floating behind her. Warmness surrounded me and I immediately felt comfortable again.

"There has been to much death here today" the women's voice was the most relaxing thing I have ever heard. The next thing I know, a bright light surrounds me and I saw no more.


Wow, an emotional couple of chapters... please vote and comment!

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- Mel🌱

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