Chapter 17

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The next week passes by quickly for Poseidon. It's a rare hour when he manages to catch his father and steal him away, either because of Kronos' sudden activity or because Poseidon's being dragged around helping, or those rare moments when Kronos is busy stopping Chiron from galloping down the corridor. The Titan had quickly learnt that it was best to simply pick the baby up and allow him to continue galloping like he was suddenly a Pegasus and could fly.

Apollo snorted in amusement. "Imagine that," he laughed.

Hestia smiled. "I can imagine him being fed up of running after Chiron that he just decides to do so."

Hades elbows Poseidon. "Are you even listening?" he hisses under his breath.

Poseidon nods, tuning back into the conversation before them. "Duh. Of course I am."

Hades snorted. "You weren't."

Kronos stands opposite Rhea, his arms crossed over his chest. "Rhea, you know what happens tomorrow," he says, thinly veiled annoyance clouding his tone. "It will be the same it has been the last ten years, only with-"

"That bastard is not staying here," Rhea snaps. "As I keep Zeus in my room, you can keep Chiron in yours."

His hands clench at his side, his gaze flickering over to Zeus, the baby held tightly in Hestia's arms. "There will be no one to ensure he doesn't pitch himself out of the window," he growls.

"As if you care," Rhea shoots back, her eyes narrowing sharply.

"It would be most unfortunate if he were to do so," Kronos drawls. "It is simply for the day, Rhea, and you won't even be here. I trust that the five others can ensure both Zeus and Chiron remain alive for the duration of the day's events."

"What about after the day's events?" Zeus frowned.

"I'll look after him," Hades offers.

Kronos eyes him for several moments before turning back to Rhea. "I cannot allow them to know, Rhea," he says. "If they find out about Chiron, they find out about the others. Surely you don't want that, love."

Rhea bristles like a porcupine at the endearment, causing Kronos to smile briefly. "Kronos, as soon as all of them are gone you will retrieve him and return him to where he belongs."

He nods. "Of course. It is simply for the day."

"Can I ask what you're talking about?" Poseidon asks, resisting the temptation to raise his hand.

"That is none of your-"

"The Primordials are visiting," Rhea says, cutting completely over Kronos. "They do every year on the First Solstice, and your father doesn't want them to know of your existence."

"All of the Primordials?" Percy asked curiously.

Annabeth shrugged slightly. "Maybe."

"Does that mean Erebus will be here?" Hades asks worriedly.

Rhea frowns lightly. "Maybe," she murmurs. "If he decides he wishes to."

Kronos shrugs carelessly. "It doesn't matter if he does or doesn't. The Solstice is a day of peace, sanctioned by Chaos himself. Erebus would be a fool to fight on that day."

Zeus' gibbering was the only thing heard in the silence that fell between them. Kronos shot the baby a dark glare – the child was playing up the innocent baby look. Kronos knew very well that Zeus was able to speak, even if it was gibberish half the time. Give it a week or two, and Chiron would soon be able to speak too. The little brat's badgering was annoying enough when he wasn't able to speak, Kronos hated to think about what it would be like with him able to string noises into words.

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