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It's Tuesday, and regularly I would groan at how far away the weekend is. However, this isn't any ordinary boring Tuesday. Today was the day Phil was taking me around the city after school. To say that I was nervous was a complete understatement, knowing me, I'd embarrass myself before I even stepped foot inside his car.

I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for the clock to strike two-twenty for dismissal.

Once the bell rang loudly, I sprinted out of the classroom as fast as I could. I made my way to the parking lot of the school where Phil told me to meet him at.

After a few minutes, I turned around to a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, Phil." I smiled at him.

"Hey Dan, you ready to explore?" He asked with a small chuckle.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

I followed him to his car; a gray Hyundai sonata. The inside was very well-kept and smelled like fresh linen.

"Pick a song," Phil said passing me his phone connected by the aux cord. He started driving, and I now realized I didn't have a clue as to where we were going.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I put twenty-one pilots on shuffle.

"It's a surprise," Phil said smiling.

"Oh come on, tell me."

"You'll see when we get there." I groaned. I wasn't much for surprises.

After fifteen minutes that consisted of horrible singing and dancing, we finally arrived at the mystery place Phil had driven to.

"Where are we?" I asked as I got out of the car and saw a small New York style diner.

"Well we aren't going to walk around with an empty stomach are we?" I instantly fell bad, I didn't want Phil to pay for me, yet I forgot to bring any money with me today.

"O-oh okay, yeah." I gave him a small smile and opened the door for him to enter. The diner was very cute and small. The walls were filled with posters, chalkboards, and paintings. The floor was a checkerboard pattern and the seats were a light maroon color. We sat in a small booth close to the entrance.

"Phil, thanks for bringing me here but I'm not really hungry, thanks."

"Please Dan, I heard your stomach grumble like three times on the way here." He said laughing, making me blush and look away which just made him laugh harder.

"Okay true, I forgot to bring money." I looked down at my fidgety hands shyly.

"Hey, don't worry about it, I was planning on paying anyway." He smiled.

"But y-"

"No Buts! Now, what do you want to eat?" He said smiling as he passed me a menu.

"Uh, I don't know? Have you been here before, what do you like?" I asked.

"Yeah, I usually order a pizza slice and fries, do you want that?"

"Yeah, please," I said putting the menu down. Shortly, a middle-aged waitress came to take our order.

"Welcome to Sue's Diner. Would you guys be getting the couple's special? It's fifty percent off, or would you guys want two separate orders?" She said with a soft warm smile.

"O-oh, um.. no right? We aren't a couple." I said awkwardly looking over to Phil who now had a slight doleful look laying on his face, but as soon as he noticed I was looking, he went back to smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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