Riches to Royalty

Start from the beginning

     I'd got number one in class again and I was tired of it. Tired of being smart all the time. Even though my classmates didn't mean to call me those names in an offensive way, I still didn't enjoy the nickname. 

     When the final bell rang, I carried my bag and started to get to the exit. My family's manor was better than being in school. We'd move from New York to this small little town called Mabel's( I have went through 'Google Earth' and can't find this town on it. That was how small it was.) just two years ago. Dad left the company filthy rich and bought a manor in this town. 

     As I was walking in the corridor, I heard the sound of boys shouting and fighting. Abandoning my school bag on the ground, I ran over to the scene of the crime and pushed the two boys who were beating up Heath. Heath was my crush, and also the local town's royal prince. Though I never actually talked to him, I promised myself I would stand up for him if the boys ever beat him again. 

     "Stop!" I used my fragile hands to push them apart while standing in front of Heath.

     "Can't stand up for yourself, Heath? What a loser!" Brian scoffed and then he and his friend left. The crowd surrounding us dispersed too and I realized the prince/my crush was standing behind me, practically wondering why a girl was even helping him. I swallowed and turned slowly around, facing the black-haired boy that was the same height as me. He just stared at me with angry eyes. 

     "Why did you help me?!" He shouted at my face before storming off. Stupid tear ducts. Naturally, I cried like a seven-year-old girl who got shouted at. I wiped my tears on the sleeve of my dress and ran home with my bag over my shoulder. 

     * * * 

     "What's wrong, Rosie?" Dad asked as soon as he saw the tears in my eyes. I quickly ran to him and hugged him tight. 

     "I stood up for my prince." I absent-mindedly said. 

     "You did the right thing, Rosie." 

     "He shouted at me..." I trailed off once I saw the same golden envelope on the coffee table. I recognized the same golden envelope, it was the letter that every child at the age of seven would recieve from the king and queen themselves. Almost every girl in my class had recieved that letter. 

     "That letter..." I pointed at the letter which was ten feet in front of me. "Daddy...the letter..." Dad followed my stare to the letter and picked it up, handing it to me. He observed me as I observed the design of the letter and slowly opening it. There were a few words that I didn't understand, so I asked Dad to explain it to me. 

     "Rosie, it means we're going to meet the prince later after lunch. So let Mommy dress you nicely, alright?" Dad asked in a calm tone. I nodded my head like a bubblehead and ran off to the kitchen where the kitchen people were preparing something delicious. Judging by the smell, it would be really nice to eat. Lucifer, the chef saw me and patted me shoulder. 

     "Are you looking for your Mom, Ro?" His voice was deep, but I wasn't scared. He looked friendly and had a very warm looking smile. I nodded at his question and he pointed at the garden, where my mother usually kept her garden of flowers nice and pretty. Mom said flowers reminded her of Dad. But it's weird because Dad always calls Mom 'Flower'. 

     After Lucifer gave me a bowl of macaroni and cheese to eat, I went off to find my mother. She was exactly where Lucifer said she would be. "Mommy? Can you please help me with my dress?" She turned around, her garden tools still in her hand. She smiled at me and quickly removed her gloves and tools. 

     "Let's go get you something nice." 

     * * * 

     "Mommy, I don't want to see the prince." I whined from the back seat of Dad's car. Mom gave me a confused look through the mirror. 

     "Why?" She asked me. 

     "Prince Heath scolded her for standing up for him." Dad explained to my mom who just remained quiet in her seat. I heard her mutter something like 'I'll kick his butt' but Dad quickly covered her mouth. 

     "It'll be okay, Rosie. Just meet him, if you're not chosen, then nevermind!" He said, like it was the most easiest thing to do. 

     * * * 

    Mom held my hand as the both of us were escorted to the entrance of the palace. Dad insisted that only mom and I went in and he waited outside of the gate with his car. I frowned at this, but Dad insisted anyways. The guards wore blue uniforms and all of them looked similar. At the entrance, I recognized the queen who smiled warmly at me and my mom. "Hello, Rosie. It's so nice to meet such a pretty young girl like you." She smiled. 

     My mother's grip around my hand tightened as my mom nodded and smiled back awkwardly. "It's nice to meet you too, Your Highness." 

     "Call me Quinn, Rosie." That was the last thing she said, before leading my mom and I to the garden of the palace. It was twice as huge as mom's garden back home. The queen held my mom back and insisted that I explored the garden and find Heath. I glanced at my mom, worried, before I went off finding the prince in the garden. 

     I didn't know where I was going, I let my feet take me wherever it wanted me to be. It was silent, a little scary. 

     "What are you doing here?!" I heard a familiar voice, obviously shouting at me. 

     I turned around and saw Heath sitting on a swing, crossing his arms. He was no longer in his casual clothes that he wore to school, he was wearing a small boy's suit. Weird enough, my cheeks grew warm when I saw him. It's weird, mommy never told me what this feeling was...

     "Y-your mom invited me." I said as I walked closer to him. 

     "Go home." How was it possible for someone to make you feel so happy, make you so sad just in one second? I frowned, feeling tears pressed against my eyes. 

     "No. Why are you alone?" 

     "Mind your own business." 

     I picked up a flower and held it in my hands. "You're lonely." 

     "You just realized that?" 

     I frowned again. "Fine, I won't come back. I won't disturb you anymore." I stuck out my tongue in an immature way at him before turning on my heel and started walking away. I heard him got off the swing, but I didn't hear him walking any closer. 

     "Come back tomorrow." 

     As soon as he said those three words, a smile crossed my face and I skipped my way back to my mother. 


Haha! Chapter 1 is boring! But chapter 2 would be when they are teenagers, their age should be around sixteen :D 


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