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I'm Evelyn Williams. And this is how I became cursed.

Long ago before technology(sounds horrible right?), my great great great great great grandfather was ruler of a small kingdom in Europe. Not many people know the name so I'm just not going to bother telling you. Anyway, one stormy night he was having a ball to celebrate his engagement when suddenly people heard a knock on his palace doors. He came up to the door and slowly opened it for it was quite strange for this to happen, and there he saw a feeble old woman standing out in the cold and rain.

"Your majesty, would you please provide me with shelter? It is cold and I have no place to go." She had said. Before he could reply, his soon-to-be wife, who was just as arrogant as he, replied.

"What would you give us in return?" 

"I have only but a single rose." The old woman replied. The king then turned away in disgust.

"No. You are as ugly as a beast and I will never let anyone or THING like that in my castle!" And with that, he slammed the door.

Now I'm guessing you all know the story of Beauty and the Beast? Yep! The Beast himself is my great great great great great grandfather. But, there's a part of the story that you don't know. The witch or whatever she was also put a curse on every born descendant of the Beast. After your father dies, female or male you will be cursed to turn into a beast at night but during the day, human. Unless, you find love. Everyone in my family has found love before their father has died........except for me.

I am cursed.

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