Yang #1

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She's been waiting for this moment.  But the pain wasn't over. She needed answers.  The streets were not safe. She knew she was going to meet her mother again. 

Her mother, right in front of her. They had something to tell her. But she was wondering something.


Weiss was there also, with a coffin. Blake looked like she was going to kill Whitley any day now. Whitley, was the only one who was ready. "Look Yang, Ruby is dead. I killed her, if you were wondering." 

Yang was about to cry and run away from the monster who spoke, but she did what came most easily to her. She picked up Whitley, and threw him over a cliff into the river. 

Yang knew she shouldn't have let her go. She didn't want or NEED this to happen.  Ruby was her only hope. Blake and Weiss tried to comfort her but Yang was done listening. She didn't want to live on to be a huntress without her little sister. THIS WAS RUBY'S DREAM not hers. She left home. She looked up to the stars and with tears she cried, "Where are you, Ruby?"

Then something appeared next to her. A weapon she was so familiar with it was painful to look at. She picked up the scythe and said "I love you Ruby."


One shot # 2 

Hi, guys! 

Thank you for reading our story!

We were thinking about doing Ren next. 

Now we suggest you go read something happier ;)


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