"You put your contact name as Lou?" The small lad questioned as he looked at his recently added contact to his phone's contact list, "why?" He looked up at the man and raised an eyebrow.

"That's my nickname."

"Okay then . . ."

"Yup" the older lad replied, popping the 'p.'

"I need to get home, now. My mum is probably wondering where I am" Harry said quietly.

"Alright," Louis smiled, "hope to see you soon."

"Uh, y-yeah" the curly haired boy stuttered.


"Mum, why do we have to invite the new neighbour over for dinner?" Harry pouted.

"Harry, go introduce yourself to the new neighbour then invite him over" Anne, the boy's mum, said sternly.

"Do I have to? Why can't you go talk to him?"

"That's enough. Go and introduce yourself to him then invite him over for dinner" Anne ordered her son.

"Fine," the small boy huffed and walked out the front door to his home.

Why does she have to make me go invite him over? Harry thought to himself, I tried to tell her that I've already met him when I got home, but no. She completely ignored me.

He quickly walks up the steps of Louis' porch, he huffs then walks over to the front door and rings the doorbell. "Hurry up and answer the damn door" he mumbled as he waited for the man to open his door.

A minute later, Louis answered the door. "Who is- oh, hey! Didn't expect to see you so soon."

"My mum wanted me to come over and invite you over for dinner."


"Yup. So do you want to come over or not?"

"Sure, babe" the man said, smiling. He quickly slid on his sneakers, he grabbed his keys from off the hook by the door and walked out of his house, He smiled at Harry then locked the door behind him, "let's go."

Harry rolled his green eyes, "whatever. Lets just go," he began to walk across the older lad's lawn, making his way back to his house.

The blue-eyed man enjoyed the view from the boy's behind. His plump bum jiggling and swaying side to side as he walked, and the lad's thighs were thick. Louis wanted to touch and feel Harry. His dirty thoughts of the small lad was slightly scaring him.

They reached the Styles home.

"Come on," Harry opened the front door and walked inside.

Louis quickly followed the small lad inside the house.

"Now, my mum is going to bomb you with questions, so be prepared" the green-eyed lad said then giggled as he saw the man's surprised expression upon his face.

"Welcome!" Anne said, smiling as she walked into the entry way, "I'm Anne, Harry's mum. I'm sure he's already introduced himself, though."

"Yes, of course he did" Louis said, snapping out of his shocked state and smiled at Mrs. Styles, "I'm Louis. It's nice to meet you, Anne."

"I made spaghetti for dinner. Lets go eat and get to know each other!" Harry's mother chirped.

"Yes, of course" the blue-eyed man replied, a soft smile making its way upon his face.

The boy groaned quietly. He hated having company over.


"What do you do for a living, Louis?" Anne asked politely.

[N]ext [D]oor [N]eighbour || L.S || - Short story.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن