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Love is supposed to be infinite,

Love is supposed to be strong.

Then why each time we speak,

I feel my love for you is gone?

One may say it’s because you left,

I felt abandoned and alone.

Needy and grieving I should have wept,

But frankly I think they are wrong.

Numb, the only word which suffices.

It’s all I feel, it’s all that’s left.

Do you think I want to feel this way,

Despair and full of regret?

I wish there was another way,

To lead us to another day,

A day I would not reu.

But you have moved on,

And that made me strong.

So for that I owe you thanks.

I suppose numb isn’t the only word which suffices,

It is not all I feel, there is much more left.


Alright so this is something a wrote a few weeks ago. I tend to use my poetry to express my feelings and this was just a down day for me so yeah. Its my first time uploading to wattpad and i actually wasn't going to upload anything but i just changed my mind...

so tell me what you think... please don't copy right its just not cool.

Give me your feedback :)

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