"Well y-yeah but tomorrow?"

"Yes. I'll come pick you up. We can't go for something fancy since I'm not rich but I'll work hard!"

"You don't have to."

"But I wan't to. Tomorrow by 4 pm? I wanna bring you somewhere in the afternoon."

"O-okay..I'll let my maids know."

"You're from another world. I'm absolutely not used to people talking about having maids as something so commun."

"Well, I'm rich, what can I do?" Kihyun said smiling slightly. Changkyun smiled too and both their smiles wided until Changkyun's turned into a laugh.

"You're really something, aren't you?"


"Sir, there's someone here to see you. He's very handsome!"

"Huh? What time is it?"


"Right on time."

"Oh, is it the boy you talked about yesterday??? Be honest, he is them rigth?"

"If you mean soulmate then yeah, he is."

"Kyaaa!! Sir, this is so good, congratulations!"

"Thanks Samantha, I'll leave now. Excuse me."

"Hello handsome boy." Said Changkyun when he saw Kihyun coming out of the mansion.

"Hey. Where are you taking me to?"


"Oh, but I wanna know." Said Kihyun pouting.

"Not yet curious child."

"I'm older than you!" The smaller said giving the younger a smack on the head while pouting more.

"Ouch!" Changkyun whined. "You look so cute when you pout like that!"

"I'm not cute!!"

"Yes, yes you are."

"No, I'm not."







"Yes and we're here."

    Kihyun looked in front of him and saw what he though was an amusement park, he had never been in one so he wasn't sure.

"Sorry if you don't like it or it's too lame but I asked my mom and friends for advices and this was the best I could plan."

"Changkyun, thank you. This just shows how many new things I'll learn with you."

"What do you mean?"

"I've never visited an amusement park but it looks so much fun."

"Then don't let us waste time, let's go!"

    They rided almost everything and both were having a great time. Kihyun had never felt so happy and Changkyun was happier to see him like that.
"You know what we can't miss on an amusement park?"

"What?" Kihyun asked, his eyes shining.

"Ice cream or cotton candy. What do you want?"

"Ice cream please! I tasted cotton candy one time but I never tasted ice cream."

"Wait, are you serious?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"How come you never tasted ice cream? You need to, come on."

"Yummy this is so good."

"It is isn't it?"

"What's your flavour Kyunie?"


"Yeah, Changkyun is way too big."

"Hum ok then hyunie. Hahaha you should see your face!" Changkyun said while Kihyun blushed like a teenage girl with her crush.

"It's cookies n' cream."

"Hum what?"

"My ice cream."

"Oh, right, mine is raspberry cheesecake! Want to try it?"

    Kihyun asked while eating a bit more of his ice cream. He wad totally not expecting Changkyun's next movement.
    Changkyun did not answer the older's question and leaned in after he eated a bit of ice cream. The shorter had ice cream on his lips and the other licked it.
     The older imediatly felt embarassed and cupped his cheeks while avoiding looking at Changkyun.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist it. The ice cream's good thoug."

"Y-yeah.." Kihyun was a blushing mess.

"Wanna go home?"

"N-no! Let's stay a..a little more!"

    Changkyun glanced at the obviously embarassed older. Damn he was so beautiful..The taller had never met anyone this beautiful in his whole life. The glance quickly became a stare and it was starting to make Kihyun unconfortable.


"You're so pretty, you're gentle and you're funny to be with. You are perfect Yoo Kihyun."

My Soulmate [ChangKi FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now