Omake: Family Bonding Time: Varia Style!

Start from the beginning

"Because I like it."

"You know, all your answers make no sense"

"Yes it does."

"Then can you please tell where you lived before joining Varia"

Fran stops for a moment before facing Tsuna. "I'll tell you this once. I lived with my grandma, then my master, then the varia"

Tsuna inwardly cheer. Finally, he was answered with sense. Though it's not full explanation, but at least he got an answer. Now, to find out who that master is.

"Who is your master? Isn't it Mammon?"

Fran ignored the brunet and continued to walk. He doesn’t want to answer the question. His master would be mad.

Tsuna was a little disappointed but let it go. 'It must be a little personal' He thought.

They are now walking on the streets. Not noticing that they left the park. They passed by some stores and restaurants and Tsuna is now practically window shopping. As they went by, there is one particular item that caught Tsuna's attention so he went to get it, leaving Fran behind.

On the other hand, Fran is still walking with no care in the world. Not noticing that someone is missing. When he was now tired and wants to go back, that's when he only realized that the brunet is gone.

"Tsunayoshi-kun. Come out now. Tsunayoshi-kun" He desperately called for him (Still in monotone) because he doesn’t want to dig his own grave. But seeing as there is no response, he ran to where they first came from, the park.

He searched everywhere, from the fountain to the forest but he failed. Taking a few more steps, he saw him, sitting on a nearby bench holding something like a box. He walked to him and flicked his forehead.

"Ow! Why did you do that?" Complains Tsuna while holding his forehead.

"That's what you get for leaving me behind and making me worried"

Tsuna smiled at him. Fran is worried for him and that is the first step. "Thank you for worrying and..." He looked at the box and held it out to Fran "This is for you"

Fran unconsciously took it and examined it. "This is a jack-in-the-box"

"Yeah I know but please open it"

So Fran opened it and when he saw the contents, he smiled. "Thank you... Now come on. Let's go home, Tsuna"

Tsuna nodded. 'Make Fran smile. Check. Mission makefranacceptme is a success.'


It was already Tuesday and it is now Bel's turn for Tsuna. Of course he was excited. He can play with his little rabbit. So when he was done polishing all his knives, he went downstairs to see the brunet.

Tsuna was already in the living room, waiting for Bel to come down. But while he was waiting, he was also shivering. Why? He feels that something bad will happen. So after a few minutes, he saw Bel holding a few piece of papers. "What's that Bel?"

Bel grinned handing out the papers. "Ushishishi~ these are tests for you, little rabbit. Let's see if you're also a genius like the prince"

After 30 minutes of answering advance level questions, Tsuna handed the papers back to Bel for checking purposes.

"Ushshishi~ You are unexpectedly fast, little rabbit but let's see how you did" After checking all the answers, Bel grinned like a Cheshire cat "Ushishishi~ We have another genius. Now the prince has a rival"

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