first day of school

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Day one of new school~~~~~

Ari's POV//
When I wake up, I wake up terrified as hell. My breathing feels almost off, and I get rlly worried because I fell asleep knowing it the first day of school today. I'm so insecure and shy this is not gonna be a good day at all. But I have to go... So I get dressed like 5× before I finally feel happy with an outfit. (Pic below)

I walk downstairs and it is so quiet because the girls are gone and mom too, I'm surprised I woke up on time. I'm gonna text Alondra to see how she is.

Convo//Ari=Ari A=Alondra

Ari: good morning

A: good morning, how you feeling about the first day of school?

Ari: not good at all.. I'm worried about everything, I mean every situation that could happen

A: wdym?

Ari: like I could get made fun of, I could slip or trip in front of everyone, I could freak out and run away like a little baby

A: Ari your gonna be fine, people are gonna love you, and idk if you noticed but your dating the most popular guy in school btw😉

Ari: really? I didn't know that (I promise no sarcasm there😂)

A: yea you really lucky there are so many girls at school that like him😂

Ari: oh wow that totally makes me feel better *hint sarcasm*😂

A: oops? 😂 I'll see you at school gtg

Ari: okey see ya

After convo//~~~~~~

At school//~~~~~~~

Ari's POV//
When I get to school, my hands are shaking, and a little sweaty. I go to the office to get my schedule.
1st period- math
2nd period- science
3rd period- history
4th period- reading
5th period- technology
6th period- gym
7th period- free period
8th period- choir
Ehhh not bad I actually like these classes except I suck as singing🙃 Anywho so I walk to my first class, math. When I walk in I'm right on time, the bell rang right when I walked in. Then the teacher walks in right behind me and I just stand there and I feel like everyone is staring at me bc they are, I scan the room and see hunter and Alondra. Hunter is sitting in the middle of the room and Alondra two seats behind him. There is an open seat on one side of him. "Okey class as you see we have a new student, her name is Arianna" I hear the teacher say. The teacher seems like an okey teacher she is a normal height and very very skinny. "You may introduce yourself" she whispers. "Oh okey, well ummm" I look at hunter, he smiles. "I'm from Texas, I'm 14, I play softball and yea that's pretty much it" I say kinda quietly. "You may sit next to hunter if you would like" the teacher says. So I sit next to him and when I sit down, I look back at Alondra and mouth "hi" to her. Then when I turn around there is this girl sitting next to me and she gives me a disgusted look, then whispers "stay away from hunter". I try to ignore it and just focus on school.

Gym class//
When I get to gym I dress out and walk in I see hunter and i run up to him and give him a big hug then I see that girl again and she looks mad...oh whale 🐳. I'm guessing today is dodge ball day because it's all set up. I literally love dodge ball it's so fun and easy. I don't even have to try plus playing softball plays off the because I throw. When the game starts I just naturally play and I get a lot of people out, the coach seems to notice so he pulls me to the side and ask me if I was gonna play sports and obviously I say yes😂

Choir class//
I'm kinda scared to go to this class because idk if I'm good enough to sing for this class. When I get there the teacher seems very strict so I walk in and she ask for my name. "Hello you must be the new student am I right?" She ask "yes ma'am you are right" I reply quietly. "Can you sing? Like as in are you good?" She ask "I sang at my old school and I did pretty well I guess you could say" I reply hesitantly. "Well according to your teacher you were her best student in singing, so I'm going to go with that" she says looking at my records. "Can you plz sing a few notes for me? Do you know the song safe inside by James Arthur?" She ask "yes ma'am that's my favorite song" I say smiling "then let's see what you've got..." She says stepping back for me"

Oops? Okey sorry it's late but new one coming soon 😊

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