namjoon rolls his eyes this time, and hands jimin the real gift. it ends up being a fifty dollar gift card for a mew restaurant a few blocks away (meaning it's really for yoongi so he can use it tomorrow night).

"thank you hyungs!" jimin hugs each of them. they all hear a few shouts from down the hall, but ignore them, knowing that the two maknaes will work out whatever it is.

"and now, for my gift!" yoongi says excitedly. he passes jimin a small gift bag, showing off his gummy smile that jimin just loves so much.

the younger boy pulls out the tissue paper in anticipation. when he sees a small box, his heart skips a beat.

could it jewelry? it's obviously not a ring... no... it couldn't be... we haven't even been dating for three months!

jimin begins to sweat nervously as he pulls the box out of the bag. he glances over to namjoon and seokjin, who just shrug. he then looks to his boyfriend beside him, who gives him the most eager look he can muster. the older boy nods toward the box, signaling that he should open it.

so jimin does just that. and when he opens the box and sees a cute necklace and two small pieces of paper, he smiles warmly. he picks up the necklace to examine it; it has a small charm on it with a heart engraved on one side and on the other, it has the word yoongi.

jimin looks to his boyfriend, to see him loft the collar of his shirt and pull out his own necklace that says jimin.

"i know we haven't been together that long, so that's why i didn't get promise rings it anything. but these necklaces are kinda just a reminder that no matter what, we have each other," yoongi blushes slightly.

jimin can safely say that that's a first he's seen.

the younger boy blushes as well, trying to contain his smile. he leans over and places his lips onto yoongi's. yoongi kisses back immediately, grabbing jimin's hand in the process.

"awww!" "ew."

they pull away and look to the couple sitting opposite them. seokjin has a hand placed over his heart and an endearing smile on his face, while namjoon has his face scrunched into a look of utter disgust, ultimately giving away who said what.

"oh shut it joon, weren't you the one saying how seokjin gets better sex from you than from pizza?" yoongi cocks his head to the side.

namjoon lowers his gaze and sinks further into the couch.

yoongi then turns back to his boyfriend. "there's something else in that box that you might wanna look at," he bites his lip, glancing down to the box in jimin's lap.

jimin nods, picking up one of the rectangular pieces of paper. he looks at it and reads the fine print. his eyes widen as he looks back up to yoongi.

"you didn't."

"oh, but i did."

"but-- no-- hyung! this isn't fair, i didn't even ask for this!" jimin chuckles, completely flustered.

"yah, you didn't ask for the necklace, either! be grateful, you brat these cost a lot of money," yoongi let's go of jimin's hand, crossing his own arms over each other.

"fine. thank you thank you thank you so much yoongi hyung you're the best boyfriend ever!" jimin collides with yoongi, almost knocking the older boy out of his chair.

he kisses him quickly before running his eyes over the concert tickets once more. "i hope you're excited, i've heard g-dragon puts on a good show," yoongi smiles.

"eh, i'm more of a taeyang stan but yes gd can put on a show," jimin sighs dreamily.

"you've seen them before?" namjoon asks.

thinking ⎈ yoonmin (completed)Where stories live. Discover now