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(Part 1)

In that moment of complete silence, the tingling sensation of my ears begged for the softest vibration. For what stood before me did not move the slightest muscle, if my eyes hadn't already adjusted to the dim surroundings of the dungeon, I would have thought its silhouette was apart of the dungeon's walls, walls that seemed to inhale any source of light. I clenched the hilt tighter as I felt the energy from my sword flow through my veins, the deep yellow sword illuminated everything around me, it started to get brighter as white sparkles started to form around my hand blurring my field of view.

Yet there was only silence, my unrecognizable breath calmly inhaled and exhaled at a rhyme that could not be heard. Even though the barely visible figure stood three-folds my height, I felt calm, my mind was empty, focused. The tension in the air grew as the brightness of my sword increased, revealing the first paw of the monster. The paw was huge and seemed to belong to a lion, yet the dark brown color of the fur gradually got darker further up on its leg, into darkness, a black devoid of light. The curvature of the light that grew surrounding me from my sword slowly revealed the rest of the paws for the beast, however a tail was revealed but one of a serpent's. The reptilian tail started to gently and gracefully move before slowly swaying into life.

The motion of the beast's tail triggered all the nerves throughout my body, as the energy that flowed from my sword through my hand had already reached my feet. My solid posture was held steady; the sword that I held was directly pointed towards the monster, as the tip of my sword pulsated and released more light, it revealed the mane of the monster. The mane started slithering; a movement of thick ropes twisted and tangled building tension, however it wasn't ropes but hundreds of snakes around the neck of the beast. My arm stretched out as far as it could go to reveal the rest of the beast. 

(Part 2)

The damp air around me felt lighter, the smell of death seemed sweeter, yet silence grew even stronger. My ears grasped for the slightest sounds, but the swaying tail didn't swish through the air nor did the hundreds of snakes squeeze one another. The brightness of the sword had reached its maximum effect, leaving the face of the monster hidden. All that could be seen was the snakes that wrapped themselves around a very wide neck and the paws of a monster. The sheer size of the paws could have easily ripped me in half with a successful hit.

It was at that moment, I heard it breathe, the awakening of the beast. It was the subtle sound of a relaxed deep breath, a deep breath that followed a melody of cracking bones as the beast lifted its head higher. So high that only the paws were visible, the paws stretched out as they monster rose. Nails gently seeped through the tip of the paws, the edge of the nail flickered to reveal its flawless razor characteristics. I bent my knees and widened the space between my legs by sliding my left foot behind, I was ready to charge and doge any attacks that were being set in place. Then I felt it; a dreadful glow came from above, as the light of my sword got dimmer. I saw the eyes of the beast. Three red glowing sets of eyes starring down at me, two sets of eyes were slightly lower then the third set, but something was strange about the third set. The eyes seemed larger, and far more superior to the previous set of eyes. The tension in the air pressed against my chest, the suffocating feeling made me feel sturdier, more in control. I took a step forward leading with my right foot, but so did the beast, it gracefully took a step towards me. I found the beast fascinating; the immense size of the beast restricted it to be slow yet it moved as if it were lighter then air. The step was so fluid that its movements were hardly recognizable, only the mere tap of the paw against the dungeons floor echoed in all directions. If I hadn't been starring directly at the beast, I would have thought the monster was behind me.

The beast was something entirely different from what the legends portray it to be, it wasn't animalistic, and every move it took corresponded to my body language. It felt as if we were communicating to one another. Both of our bodies moved concurrently as if none of us were leading this movement, the gentle side steps increased in pace, we were tailing each other in a circle, slowly getting closer to one another and even though the beast's size was several times bigger then me, it realized that I was a formidable threat and didn't act hastily. It was quantifying me. The mane was visible once again; the outline of three faces that belonged to the menacing dancing eyes became apparent. 

(Part 3)

All the light seemed to be attracted towards the dancing fiend; the beast's fur was draining the energy from my sword. It caused the light to form an oval shape in the direction of the monster, the light distorted around its subject created what seemed to be an event horizon. Seamlessly the beast slowed down, off rhyme to my motion until it completely stopped. I glanced at its body; I could see all the muscles that were visible tense. I kicked my right foot off the ground and leaped forward to get out of the beasts reach, however it was too late, the monster was only a few feet away, its devilish features became visible as the head of a blood hound widened its mouth, with rows of piercing teeth. Just as I was ready to jab my sword into one of its eyes, something shrugged the beast's face for it to lose course and tumble into a different direction. As it lost control of its speed it crashed against one of the walls, causing a tremor to vibrate the ground. I quickly got to my feet and my eyes followed the direction of the light.

The shell of light that seemed to be absorbed by the monster forming a defined silhouette. Through the outline I could see all the three heads smashing into one another, they were fighting between each other for which one would eat me. I clenched my sword tighter and ran in the direction of the creature, as it leaped towards me, I pressed my right foot down and slid against the gravel with my sword directed to the legs of the beast. Unexpectedly the beast pounced of the ground as it landed and leaped cross me, high enough for the sword miss its target. With just enough control in my slide, I managed to dig my left leg into the ground and push myself up. I scanned the room to where the monster would be located at, yet my sword only got brighter and the sword capped its brightness once again. The beast was nowhere to be found...

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