Fallen Angel

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The school day was finally over, I went into the large hallway where people crowded around in their little groups, every time someone would bump into me or even brush me with their arm I wanted to cry. I look around for Mark. Damn, we have to walk home again. I head outside, the cold bit at my nose and my eyes, I felt the tiny raindrops fall lightly on my face. Mark comes up behind me and tries to grab my hand, I wince in pain and he lets go.

"I-I'm sorry..." He looked down as we began to walk,

"I-It's f-fine M-Mark." I wrap my arm around him keeping in mind Mark's pain and my own, I hug him softly.

"Ready to go?"

"Y-Yes." I just want to lay down, everything hurts and I want to hide away, forever, with Mark. I don't want to be here any more, not this town, not this world, not this life, I just want to leave, run away, die. I want to hide. We walk home and he lays me on the couch, putting a blanket on me, it doesn't take long for me to fall asleep. My dreams were cut short by the nightmares and flashbacks, of my parents leaving, being beaten and bitten, dark figures, demons and terrors filled my head. I woke up crying, gripping my blanket, I heard Mark talking to someone, I closed my eyes as they walked in,

"What the hell are you doing?? You are the devil!" His voice was hoarse and scratchy, it made me feel strange, I felt cold and dark, I don't know what it is about him that made me uncomfortable,

"Shut your trap, he's sleeping." Mark whispered, the two conflicting voices confused me, I didn't know how to feel,

"I don't care. What are you doing? You have a life down there!"

"I have a life up here! He sold his soul, Shemal! He needs me...He needs me." He sits on the couch next to me, placing his hand on my side, I try to stay still and keep my eyes closed.

"Look at yourself, Diablo...Look at what he's done to you already, two days! Two days and he's turned the strongest immortal I have ever seen into some soft, squishy, little pansy...He doesn't need you! He needs attention, if someone else were to show him any bit affection he would leave you so fast the underworld will freeze over!" Mark was silent...

"I think it's time for you to leave, Shemal."

"You shouldn't mess will fallen angels, Mark." Then the door slammed shut. There was silence.

"Jack." I stiffened, "I know you're awake. Did you hear all of that?"

"I didn't hear anything."

He chuckled quietly, "Well, I just want you to know that he's wrong, I know he's wrong about you too."

"What did he mean when he said 'fallen angel' ?" He just shrugged,

"Shemal says things like that all the time, I don't think he knows what he's saying."


"He's kind of like...my number one...? He tries to make sure I don't make stupid decisions-"

"Like this one? Staying with me?"

"No. No, Jack. If I had to do this again, I would in a heartbeat." He smiled, he gets up, "You were asleep for a while, you hungry?"

"A little." I try to stand up but fall back onto the couch. Mark looks at me concerned, "I'm okay, just a bit dizzy." I smile at him, he heads back to the kitchen and I stand up again. "Hey...Umm, how long do you plan on staying?"

"However long you need me to." I smile to myself,

"Do I need to set up a room for you?" He didn't answer, "Damn...I have to go to work, you can stay here. I'll be gone till 7 tonight, okay?

He walks back out and looks at the ground, "C-Can I come with you?" I shrug,

"I don't see why not." I put my hat on and open the door, it was still cold.

"Jack! Jack, don't forget your jacket." Mark ran to the door, handing it to me, "So where do you work?"

"I work at that old carnival over there," I pointed off into the distance, "I do maintenance and shit..." Maybe we can stay till late and- Dammit Jack! Devil. Devil.

"You okay over there?"

"Huh? What?"

"You were making faces...nevermind." He laughed, It still hurt to walk or even move but I need to eat and now I have another mouth to feed. Ugh, I need to work on the car tomorrow...Once we get there I am greeted by old Miss Maggie, my boss...

"Jack! You're here! Finally!" Her feathered boa contrasted with the old, rickety, rides.

"Good afternoon, Miss Maggie." She smiled and looked behind me,

"Who is this?"

"Just a friend..."

"Does he need a job?" She walks over to him and traces his jawline with her boa,

"N-No, Miss. I'm just here to watch..." Mark reaches for my hand, I could tell he was uncomfortable, I grab his hand and move close to him,

"I see..." She looked us up and down, "I don't pay extra. Not even if you were to work." She flipped her boa and feathers flew everywhere. I let go of his hand once she left. 

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