For Better or Worse

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I walked upstairs to see my room was...clean. He cleaned my room for me? That...that's awesome. I still can't help but think about Connor and his buddies. They're going to kill us. Mark comes up to me and sees I'm upset.

"Come here." He held his arms out, I walked over, and he grabbed me and held me tight, I hugged him back, gripping his shirt. "You'll be fine, Jack. I'm here."

"O-Okay. But can you, umm, not hold my hand at school? It's not that I don't want to, it's just-"

"I understand. It's alright, Jack." He grabbed my bag and handed it to me.

"Wait, you aren't scheduled in school. How are you going to get in?" He smiled,

"Don't worry. I'll handle that." We get outside and I try to start the car,

"Dammit! Gah! Start god dammit!"

"Jack! Jack! It's fine. It's a small town, we can just walk."He went to grab my hand, but moved it away quickly. I put my arm around his waist, he jumped a little, but then smiled putting his arm over my shoulder.

"Better hurry up. We don't wanna be late." We started walking, I felt safe, but I began to worry. What will people think?? What will Connor do to me? To him? Before I could even think about anything else, I realized we were here, I quickly let go of Mark, I became very cold and shiver at the loss of body heat.

"Give me a minute. I'm gonna go sign in." I took a deep breath and walked in, alone. I walk down the noisy hall trying not to bump into people just standing in the middle. I didn't know how long it was going to take so I started walking to class. Low and behold, Connor.

"Where's your little boyfriend, Jacky? Huh? Did he leave you like your parents did?" I tried to think about something else, holding back tears I thought about Mark. "What's the matter Jack? Dick caught your tongue?" I blush hard and bite my tongue, I'm gonna say something I will regret one of these days. "Jaaaaaack, Jaaaaack. What's wrong, you dumb fuck? Can't hear or something?" I look up at him and he looked at me surprised, "Wow, somebody's gaining confidence."

I felt an arm on my shoulder, it was one of Connor's buddies. "C'mon, Jack. Let's go talk." He grabs my arm and walks me to one of the janitor's' closets, "Jack, you know what's comin." Day after day, I am physically and verbally abused by a group of friends I use to engage with. Before I could blink I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I double over and hold it trying to stop the stinging, throbbing pain. Another and I'm on the ground, I try to curl up into a ball but two of the other guys hold my arms and legs, one kick to the back, another to the stomach. One of them bites my arm and I try to scream, nothing. "Mark! Mark! Help me!" I tried to hide the tears, but I was in so much pain.

He grabbed me by my hair, "He can't hear you, no one can." One of them kicks my back, it felt like a bullet shooting up my spine, I couldn't move. I gave up fighting, there was no point anymore. Soon after that I black out. When I wake up I am alone, in the dark and cold of the closet. I am finally able to cry but with every tear it sent a fiery pain through my stomach and spine, making me cry more, usually I can fake a smile or at least ignore the pain, but not today. I am completely alone. I here a faint yelling,

"Jack! Jack!" I try to wipe the tears with my bitten arm, nothing but pain. He walks in and sees me lying on the ground, "Oh my god, Jack!" He was pretty beat up himself, he tried yelling for me but it was just a faint whisper. He tries to bend over to help me and falls down, hitting his head on one of the wire racks. Head bleeding, he helps me up, basically carrying me.

"M-Mark p-put me d-down." He couldn't even walk straight and kept stumbling over his own feet. "D-dammit, M-Mark! I s-said put me d-down!" I attempt to wiggle free but the pain was unbearable. He sees me struggling and puts me down, putting his arm around me. "I h-have to get- get to class." He walks me to the door and disappears back into the hallway. I have Miss Carpenter's class, she knew I was being abused, but never reported it, not only because I told her not too, but also because she was very shy, but she stern.

"Jack. You're late."

"I-I'm sorry, M-Miss. I-It won't h-happen again." She sighed and gave me a weak smile,

"We are working on the semester projects. Get with your group and help them, please."

Y-Yes M-Miss." I walked towards my table, everything stung, every step shot fiery pain up and down my spine. My head is pounding and I can't see straight,

Low and behold Amy and Connor. They were very... close to each other. Oh god no please don't tell me... they're dating?? "Hey Jack!" Amy smiled,

"Hello Jacky." Connor grinned a deviously, causing my stomach to hurt. I felt dizzy and couldn't speak much,


Amy cleared her throat, "Well. We should start on our project. Connor, baby? Can you get me a glue stick and some scissors please?" She batted her eyelashes, Connor rolled his eyes and got up. "So what's up Jack? You sound sick or tired or something."

"A- A l-little bit." Connor came back, whistled, and slapped me on the back. I screamed, tried to hold back the tears, everybody was staring at me, their eyes burned, some laughed and whispered, others paid no attention and went back to work,


I looked over at Connor, fury in his eyes, "N-nothing. Nothing, I-I'm f-fine."

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