Chapter 2

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As Thren jumped into the portal the first thing he noticed was that it was cold. VERY cold. He felt as though all heat had left his body. But that wasn't the only thing that left him. He also lost all the air in his lungs. How long is this portal? It feels like it is taking me out of the galaxy. He thought as he started losing consciousness. Just as he was about to black out he has thrown at immense speeds out of the other end of the portal.

He landed on his shoulder, and, because of how fast he was going, bounced and started flailing. He did many flips through the air, all of which he could not control. When he thought he couldn't take any more, he hit the ground again and began to roll without control. Once all movement had ceased he lay on his back trying to catch his breath and to stop the world from spinning. Breathe. Just Breathe. He repeated in his head with his eyes closed.

When Thren was about to get up he heard a whooshing noise. Oh great! He tried to get out of the way of the portal exit as his twin sister came flying out at a faster rate than when he had come through. It was no use. His feet slipped and he was hit in the back by the body of his sister.

"OOF!" Thren exclaimed.

This movement was enough to make to throw his still recovering stomach into a tizzy. He then threw Mar off of him and crawled away for a bit before throwing up. This isn't my day is it? He collapsed and rolled to his side. When he opened his eyes he saw his arrow's fletching sticking out of the ground. I wonder how fast THAT came through. He rolled once more and looked up at the sky, and was astounded. He saw something he never dreamed of.

In the sky were all the 9 realms! Is this that realm from the fairy tales? Oh, what was it called? Apple? Acre? That's not right. He started searching his mind but couldn't find the answer he was looking for. DRAT! I was no good at remembering names! Mar was much better than me. Wait...MAR! A sudden panic engulfed him as he jumped up and rushed to the side of his limp sister's body.

"MAR! SAY SOMETHING!" Thren shouted in a panic.

Calm down you dummy. Breath. Think. What did Papa teach you about this? First: check for a breath and pulse. Thren put his index and middle finger on his sister's neck and put his cheek next to Mar's mouth. Both a heartbeat and breath. He sighed in relief.

"Mmmm" Mar hummed.

"Huh? What did you say Mar?" Thren said a bit surprised.

"You hand is cold..." Mar said in a quiet whisper.

Thren took his fingers away from his sister as he chuckled a bit. While he was snickering Mar sat up and rubbed her eyes. Then she winced in pain. Thren was by her side in an instant.

"Are you ok? Where does it hurt?" Thren said quickly.

"I'm fine. It's just a little road rash on my elbow."

Thren let out another sigh of relief.

"So, what happened to you in the portal?" Thren said realizing the portal was gone. He was oddly fine with that.

"I guess I passed out...I don't know." Mar said in a one tone voice.

"That explains a bit." Thren said as he thought of what had just happened.

"Hey sis?"


"What was the name of that one realm that you could see all of the other realms from?"

"I think it was called Oaple."

Thren smiled as he pointed towards the sky. He watched as his sister looked up and an expression of mystic wonder spread over her face. He laughed and looked up thoughtfully at the sky. The two of them sat there for a while. At that point they both lost all track of time as they watched the tower of 9 plate looking realms hang there in the sky. The sight of the worlds was made even more beautiful by the foggy haze of the atmosphere. Some asteroids and other loose space items were lit by the many suns orbiting the different realms. After a little while they both fell asleep on the luscious grass that covered most of the field the kids landed in.

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