Chapter 9- Fighting Irish

Start from the beginning

Turn back. Don't go to the classroom. He won't be there. If you turn back, you'll catch him, and that'll prove that you can do this job. Ciara knew that she shouldn't have listened to the voices, but as she was looking at the ground, a small creature with wide blue eyes and glimmering white hair appeared. Ciara didn't know much about mythology, but if she had to guess, she thought that the small creature was... she didn't know. She had wanted to take a mythology class in college, but then she was taken out of college. But the little creature pointed away from the rest of the group, pointing to where a boy was walking near a fountain. She knew she needed to check it out, but she thought she'd ask Morgan first. She didn't want to break the one rule given to her.

"Mor-gan, I don't think he's going to be in the classroom. I have a feeling I know where he's going to be," she whispered. "Trust me. My instincts are telling me that he won't be there."

"I'm sorry, Ciara, but I'm not sure if your instincts can be trusted yet." So Ciara would have to do this on her own. Thanks to years and years of practice, Ciara was an expert at sneaking away from the crowd. She slipped away, unnoticed, and followed the little white-haired creature to where the boy was walking. She was trying to say something, but Ciara didn't understand the little creature's language. For once, it was speaking a language that she didn't understand. It seemed adamant, though, that the message got across because she kept saying the same phrase over and over again, but Ciara still didn't understand it, and when Ciara tried to tell the creature that, it looked at her, confused. It didn't speak her language, either. Lovely. Ciara saw the boy and walked up slowly to him, the little creature hiding behind her legs so it wouldn't be seen.

"Are ye Kel-an Fo-ley?" she asked, and he looked at her, making her look away. No eye contact with anybody. That was one of her many rules. Only one person could touch her and look her in the eye, and that was Marina. Where was Marina? She had disappeared. But that wasn't the biggest of Ciara's worries. Right now she had to think about what she would say when it was found out that she broke the one rule set in place for her. The one and only rule.

"Are ye Irish?" he asked, and she nodded.

"I have some friends that want to talk to ye, Kel-an. Will ye come with me to talk to them?" Ciara requested, and he shook his head, before lunging and grabbing her. No human touch! She tried to jerk away from him, but he held firm, and before she knew it, he had put a knife to her neck.

"Yer friends are FBI, aren't they?" he asked, and she tried to answer, but all she got out was a little squeak. "Aren't they?" Finally, she nodded. Her senses were going into overdrive. They were screaming at her, and her arm was screaming where his hand was. His skin wasn't touching her skin thanks to her long sleeves, but even that wasn't acceptable. Even that made her want to scream. But, right now, she was too scared to scream. Here's the funny thing about Ciara. She could only scream if she was overwhelmed and needed to let it out. That was also the only time she could cry. She could not cry and scream at will, and she could not scream when she was scared. And it's not like she never tried. One time she stood in front of a mirror for two hours just trying to scream, and nothing came out but a small squeak. Nothing more, nothing less. So she couldn't scream to get the attention of the BAU. What had she gotten herself into?

"Please, quit touching me!" She finally cried, but he wouldn't, and instead, led her into the nearest building, which happened to be the auditorium, and just Ciara's luck, it was empty. He led her to the stage, and withdrew the knife from her neck, before throwing her down. She should have taken the chance to run, but the breath had left her lungs, and she was starting to be overwhelmed. She wasn't quite to the point of a sensory overload, but she was slowly getting herself there. The little creature was at her head, pulling her hair gently, trying to get her up.

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