Movie Nights and Moving

Start from the beginning

"No, it's fine. I don't even have clothes at your house anyways. I'll be okay, Magnus." I sigh and burrow myself deeper against him. Selfishly, I want to keep him with me. I don't want to spend the night alone. One night with him has taught me that much. 

"Please?" I whisper out, knowing just how desperate I sound, just how needy, but at this point, I don't care. Anything to get him to stay. I've become far too dependent on him, on his presence. I'm aware it's unhealthy. He's silent for a moment before pressing his warm lips to my forehead reassuringly. 

"Let me just grab a few things, I'll be down in a moment." He murmurs against my skin. I nod feebly, feeling weak and guilty that I affect him so strongly, that I have such a pull that with merely a single word I can sway him. He slides out of the limo and into the building swiftly. I stare out the window, glancing at the buildings. This part of the city is dark, despite all the lights, almost abandoned. No one wanders the streets and an eerie silence surrounds me. I find myself nervously gripping at one of the straps of my loose suspenders hanging in my lap to try and ease my tension. I can't help but think about all the scary people who must frequent these streets, so close to my Alexander all the time, so dangerous and- The door opens and I gasp, jumping up a bit. Alec smiles warmly as he slides back in with a small black bag. I burrow myself back into him and feel every ounce of nerves melt out of my system. He runs his long, elegant fingers through my hair delicately as we head back to my house. A thought pops into my head and I jump up a bit from my place on his chest, eyes wide and bright with my new idea. To me, it doesn't seem like a big deal. 

"Alexander? Move in with me." 

Alec POV

      "Alexander? Move in with me." The look in his eyes is sparkling, light with this question he poses. I open my mouth a few times, unsure how to respond. My own eyes are wide with wonder and bewilderment. He cocks his head to the side as the limo pulls up to his house. "Well?" He asks impatiently. I shake my head a few times to clear it and run a hand nervously through my hair. 

"Magnus we only just met 2 weeks ago. And we just officially decided we're a thing like half an hour ago. What do you expect me to say?" I ask, my voice breathless and a bit higher in pitch. He smiles and opens the door, sliding out and waiting for me to follow. 

"Well, I kind of expect you to say 'yes', Alexander. It's not a big deal. There is more than enough room. Hell, my cat has his own room for heaven's sakes. And besides, you hate where you're living, we both know my house is pretty much the best around. And it's too big for just me anyways. It's just logical." He explains as I pull my bag up over my shoulder and follow him. 

"Your sense of logical is strange, Bane. Very strange." I laugh anxiously as he unlocks the door. We step inside and head into the living room. 

"If I'm being completely honest with you, Alec, your presence makes me happier. Having you in my bed last night allowed me to have the best sleep I think I've ever had, and waking up with you was better than I could've ever imagined. When you're not with me, I'm lonelier than I've ever felt, but when you're here... when you're around me, I feel like I don't even know the definition of being alone." I listen to him open up as he unties his shoes and leaves them by the door, sliding his coat off and hanging it up. He goes about this as if he's not asking me to move in as if we're discussing the weather. I begin to think they both hold the same amount of importance to him. He turns to look at me once he's finished. With a consoling smile, he comes over, sliding my bag off my shoulder and kissing my cheek. 

"I'll put this in the bedroom, give you a minute to think about it." I nod numbly as I watch him walk away. Once he's out of ear shot, I whip my phone out and call the only person I want to confide in right now. Jace picks up on the second ring. 

"Alec? Everything okay?" I tug on my hair a bit as I wonder how to answer that. Is everything okay?

"I guess? I'm kind of freaking out right now. Magnus saw where I live and he knows I hate it and he...he asked me to move in." The words sound crazy coming out of my mouth. I worry Jace will freak out, but he surprises me. 

"That's awesome. Why are you freaking out about that?" I laugh into the phone, a high-pitched, nervous sound. 

"Awesome? We've only properly known each other for 2 weeks, Jace. 2 weeks and he wants me to move in!" I shake my head quickly to try and center myself. I need to think rationally here. 

"Look, Alec. I know it sounds crazy, but I've never seen any two people more in love than the two of you. You revolve around him, Alec, without even noticing. You respond immediately to his touch as if it's all you're waiting for. I've never seen you look so relaxed and content, or even happy. But with him, it's like you've finally found where you want to be. I think you should be spontaneous for once in your life. I think you need to just go for this and see where it goes." I relax as he speaks, thinking it over, noting how much better I've felt over the past 2 weeks since the first dinner with Magnus. 

"Yeah. Okay, you're right. I'll call you tomorrow, Jace. And thanks." I hang up and watch Magnus walk back into the room, sipping on a cocktail. 

"You look better already." I smile and walk over, taking his drink and setting it on the counter behind him. The perplexed look in his eyes brings a small bubble of laughter to my lips. I wrap my arms around him, sure and steady as I pull him as close as I possibly can to my body, kissing him with earnest and love because I'm sure now that's what this is, even if I can't bring myself to say it quite yet. He responds instantly, his lips curving deliciously to mine, his hands winding their way into my already messy hair. I pull back when I can't find any air and take a deep breath. 

"Yes," I whisper, the word buzzing in the air between us. And I know right in that moment that I've made the right decision as the smile that graces his lips is so beautiful that I fill with pride at being the reason it's there. I want to wake up to that smile every day for the rest of my life. 

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