chapter 15 hawk frost leafpool

Start from the beginning

"Let us give thanks to Starclan, for this new land." He then stepped from to the pool. Cinderpelt looked around at the gathered cats.

"Cats of all clans, I wish to appoint a new Medicine cat, Leafpaw step forth, please."

Leafpaw came forth her head and tail erect with awe and happiness. Cinderpelt let out a meow of laughter; "did you think I had to die first for you to become a full Medicine cat?"

Leafpaw hung her head slight as she confirmed a yes in the eyes of the other cats.

"I, Cinderpelt, Medicine cat of Thunderclan. Call on Starclan to look on this young cat, guide her many paw prints in her life. Do you Leafpaw promise to stand apart from clan and Clan rivalry to do your duty and care for your clan?"

"I do,"

"Then your new name is now Leafpool, may you find peace and long life." Cinderpelt backed away from the newly named Cat. The rest of the night was a blurry for I was spending all night patrolling Starclan with Hawkfrost.


I drink from the pool and awake in Starclan. Wait Starclan? Oh well. I get to my paws swiftly and start to look for my mate.

Tall green grass tickled my muzzle as I looked and sniffed for Leafpool.

"Leafpool, where are you?" a purr sounded close to my ear and I turned to look but was thrown onto my back by a tortoiseshell-she-cat! The cat pinned me down with a growl; she has a scent I do not know.

"Hawkfrost, why have you come? You have darkness in your heart. It is clouding you.....give up Tigerstar's version of Power and you will have Starclan's entire Blessing for your love of Leafpool. What do you say?" Spottedleaf got off of him, awaiting his reply.

Hawkfrost glanced at his paws, his gaze thoughtful. He seemed to think about it then he dipped his head, "Do you mean that? Or is this a trick of Starclan?" he hissed his blue eyes icy.

"Hawkfrost, I found you!" I turn to see the love of my life bound up to me her tail lashing in happiness.

"It's true, Hawkfrost, choose," then Spottedleaf left me before Leafpool came up and rubbed her jaw against my shoulder, her sweet herbal scent filled my muzzle like a perfume. I must choose my of dark power or a pawfull of tumbling kits and a mate? Or take charge of a clan with Leafpool by my side? I want Leafpool, power can wait for now.

Suddenly, more star cats came down and surrounded us, Bluestar, Spottedleaf, and even Littlecloud just to name the ones I have heard of, they stood around us.

"Young Hawkfrost we have seen you struggle with the Ambition of Power and you have passed your tests. Kits that you sire with Leafpool will be granted without punishment and you will be a clan leader when the time is right," I feel Leafpool press against me as we hear those words from Starclan warmed my soul.

"WE need you to back into your fathers forest, Hawkfrost, be a spy for Starclan, we won't hold it against you or your mate."

A tall silver tomcat with burning green eyes came forth to stand in front of me and Leafpool. "My Name is Silverfang; I am one of the oldest cats that live here and I have be watching you, Leafpool please leave, Hawkfrost will find you when we are done, thank-you," I stiffen as Leafpool walked away and Silverstream I turn to look after her but Silverfang hissed in my face and the other cats disappeared.

"If you agree to spy on the Dark Forest and act as if you believe it all then you Hawkfrost will lead a clan." Silverfang looked me in the eye awaiting my reply.

I bowed my head, "Yes I will agree." My paws felt shaky with relieve as I sprang away from the tom and raced after Leafpool.


THE Darkness covered the pale forest as the dark tabby tom paced beside the Night-Pool, his tail lashing into the pale yellow ferns.

"Father, I see that Hawkfrost has not shown for three nights, what we should do?" asked the warrior to the former clan leader. Tigerstar looked thoughtful as he replied.

"We do nothing until the time has come for the Great Plan to come forth, my son. Let's train before dawn is upon us."

The two cats sparred and dodged each other in a mock battle. Brambleclaw reared on his hind legs his belly drenched in blood, his amber eyes wild and crazy, with enraged yowl he launched himself at his father bowling him over in a cloud of hazy dust. Tigerstar rolled with the impact and clawed more fur from his son's belly but then Brambleclaw dropped his weight onto his father he heard the breathe leave his father body and he sprang off of him. Tigerstar coughed twice then he rose to his blood stained paws.

"Good job son,"

"Thanks, I will be a Clanleader one day and I will need all this training to over throw that weakling Firestar! I feel no loyalty to him after his ginger daughter broke my heart for that Riverclaner! I will destroy them and their memory!" the dark tabby tom spat onto the ground and his ear twitched to the sound of his father purr.

"I trained you well my son; you have Hate in your heart which will make you a better leader then that mousebrained one! Go home and come back, night after next you deserve a break my wonderful son."

Brambleclaw awoke to a pale blue sky streaked with pink and red of the morning sun. Hate burned in his heart as he saw Squirrelflight sitting with Stormfur, he shook his head and started to clean the blood from his belly fur plotting their demise, all of Firestar's kin and wife.

Xxxxx Twolegplace old forest xxxxxxxxxxx

The cats looked scared as they laid the precious few pieces of prey that they had caught down in front of a massive red-black tom named Darkus, leader of this large group of cats. Darkus looked at the small prey of mice and two birds. There must be more food else ware! I will find it!

My mother told me the tales of the mighty cat Scourge the cat who failed to take the forest before the humans turned it to rubble with their stinking houses and Thunderpaths, I remember a ginger cat from Mother's Tales he was called Firestar and he killed my uncle for that he will pay! Those cats might have left this forest but I will gather my clan and hunt them down and take their land!

"Frostsnake, come here!" I called for my first Deputy a snow white she-cat with green eyes.

The she-cat came forth and bowed to her leader.

"You called my Leader?" Frostsnake asked softly.

Darkus looked at her with purple-black eyes, "yes I have. So tell me what of our clan, my love? Can we hunt down those mangy forest cats?" he licked his black lips as he awaited her reply.

"We are ready but it will take time perhaps almost four moon to reach the Lake or wherever they have moved."

Darkus rasped his tongue over her white ear, "that's all I need we move out at sun higw1h of the next day. Now go get more prey for we all will feast tonight!"

I will have my revenge!


I twitched in my sleep my dreams covered in Blood. I jerk awake so see Starclan looking down at me. "Leafstar?" I call then I see my old leader step forth from the star cats.

"Echosong I bring sad news. Skyclan will have to fight blood or be destroyed unless they seek the clans help by the lake. Please move the clan to the Lake there is land there for us to take our place once more by the Warriorcats. Tell them that the Lake is the new home of Skyclan. Also you must take a young cat to take your place soon. That is all. Starclan is with you in all things remember that. We will send warnings soon; get the clan ready to leave before newleaf."

I awake and I dashed up the rocks to Cherrystar's den.

"Cherrystar I have word from Starclan there is to be a battle that we cannot fight or like with the first Skyclan we will fall. Leafstar said we must leave the gorge and go to the lake."

My leader looked at me with sad eyes. I knew she grows tired of leadership but she is a good leader.

"Very well we leave in two sunrises," 

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